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Detective Conan World
Vi Graythorn

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Jean. Shaddup.

:rolleyes: I'm innocent. Besides, you were the one who got us lost.

I have nearly lost a friend to suicide and never want to see it happen again.


I almost didn't come back after I went to Thailand this summer. Almost.

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What happened? D:

Nothing...happened. Or, not exactly. I had just taken about a week away from you guys and survived, and when I got internet access again, I felt no compulsion to immediately log on to DCW. I just wondered...would it have been better if I just didn't go back? But then I thought it'd be unfair to you guys.

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Nothing...happened. Or, not exactly. I had just taken about a week away from you guys and survived, and when I got internet access again, I felt no compulsion to immediately log on to DCW. I just wondered...would it have been better if I just didn't go back? But then I thought it'd be unfair to you guys.


Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! </3

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Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! </3

D: I'm sorry! Please forgive me for my extremely-horrible thoughts! ;___________________; I should never have thought of abandoning you guys! I made the right decision to come back! D: ;____________________;

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I enjoy learning, but I dislike having to complete things in order to get grades. (Which in turn leads to my parents yelling at me.)

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