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Vi Graythorn

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*has never even attempted it* :V

I like string cheese and tangerines. <3

Same ^

Anyways, really? O__o

For some reason, I could picture you with really tall heels and walking like a model.

I have yet to break a bone. I have torn muscles, though.

Me neither. ^


I have yet to have a nosebleed. XD

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I know a friend who's got her first nosebleed at 16.

I have yet too and I don't wish to.

I have kept my weight for...3 years. :P

I wish for that to not happen too. <3


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I slept way too much today.

Same ^

Anyways, really? O__o

For some reason, I could picture you with really tall heels and walking like a model.

Me neither. ^


I have yet to have a nosebleed. XD

:V :V :V

I'm sneakers all the way. I don't like heels at all. And no, I've never actually walked around in heels.

When I was in first grade or something, I woke up in the middle of the night, felt something wet on my face, went to the bathroom, turned on the light...and found my face full of blood. Yes, I had a nosebleed.

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:V :V :V

I'm sneakers all the way. I don't like heels at all. And no, I've never actually walked around in heels.

When I was in first grade or something, I woke up in the middle of the night, felt something wet on my face, went to the bathroom, turned on the light...and found my face full of blood. Yes, I had a nosebleed.


Sneakers are nice. Well, compared to heels, they are.

:o Lucky you. The only reason I had to wear heels was because of the choir concert. :V

In fact, almost every girl at the concert were wearing heels.

Wow. :o

My brother and me are currently the only people I know IRL who has yet to have a single nosebleed in their lives.

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Sneakers are nice. Well, compared to heels, they are.

:o Lucky you. The only reason I had to wear heels was because of the choir concert. :V

In fact, almost every girl at the concert were wearing heels.

Wow. :o

My brother and me are currently the only people I know IRL who has yet to have a single nosebleed in their lives.

If you say almost, it means it's optional. If it's optional...


Our choir concerts simply require black shoes. No heels. And they took off the skirt requirement this year as well. <3

That was my second nosebleed. I've had around 3 in my lifetime. My sister just had her first when we were traveling.

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If you say almost, it means it's optional. If it's optional...


Our choir concerts simply require black shoes. No heels. And they took off the skirt requirement this year as well. <3

That was my second nosebleed. I've had around 3 in my lifetime. My sister just had her first when we were traveling.

My mom made me wear them. :V I didn't really have a choice. :V

I only found out that it wasn't actually required when we were actually singing in the concert... :V

Lucky~ my school actually provides dresses for all the girls in choir.

I see. :mellow: My younger siblings had nosebleeds when they were younger... it was rather common in Elementary to see people having nosebleeds on a hot day.

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