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Detective Conan World
Vi Graythorn

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Right now, I appear to have a slightly cynical outlook on things. Not good.

I also appear to really really hate people who don't show the least bit respect to people as well as those who are smart-alecks and find holes in everything, as if they're all high and mighty, making you frustrated and wanting to punch a wall. I really really detest people who pretend they don't know stuff THEY OBVIOUSLY DO AND ARE SMART ENOUGH TO KNOW AND THAT YOU JUST TOLD THEM. Not to mention people who have too many crushes and can't stick to one person to love (*stares pointedly at sister*).

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I'm not friendly,and I'm snobbish...but the truth is I want to break out but I don't know how because people may think I'm weird if I change this erry character and I guess the person below will say,"don't be bother by them,its your life,do what you want"

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I'm not friendly,and I'm snobbish...but the truth is I want to break out but I don't know how because people may think I'm weird if I change this erry character and I guess the person below will say,"don't be bother by them,its your life,do what you want"

Well, everyones different. You can change for the better if you want to :)

I want to get a helix piercing xp

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Whats a helix piercing? :mellow:

Weird I always wake up earlier than usual this time of the year. I realized I forgot to turn on my alarm again. XD


upper ear piercing rolleyes.gif

XD nice.. you wake up without an alarm..?

I hate breathing through my mouth :L

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I am somewhat a workaholic-perfectionist. And I'm probably the only girl in the world who dislikes going shopping. :mellow:

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I am somewhat a workaholic-perfectionist. And I'm probably the only girl in the world who dislikes going shopping. :mellow:

You shouldn't forget me... I absolutely HATE going shopping.

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