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Detective Conan World
Vi Graythorn

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When I was little and I'd be put in time out, I'd always ask to go up to my room for the rest of the time instead of sitting on the stairs. Then I'd just end up playing with the toys I had in my room until the rest of the time was up. 

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The school I went to my freshman year had like a... I don't quite know if it was a convent or if the nuns living there were from the convent across the street or what--but there was this building on campus were like 30 or so nuns lived. It was just kinda comforting to know that at any given time there were a bunch of nice old ladies across from the drop off circle.

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I never obey the rules.

I don't think I've ever seen you purposefully double post before...


hmm, I think I'll call bs on this statement of yours, heh.

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I don't think I've ever seen you purposefully double post before...


hmm, I think I'll call bs on this statement of yours, heh.

Nope, I've never double posted before, and I meant I never obeyed the house rules.

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The main guy in my favorite band, Mark Foster from Foster the People, grew up literally 30 minutes from my hometown.


Okay why did I not know someone other than me here listened to Foster the People oh that's right I've basically died oh well. *whistles* ~Got shackles on my words are tied~

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Okay why did I not know someone other than me here listened to Foster the People oh that's right I've basically died oh well. *whistles* ~Got shackles on my words are tied~

I haven't run into another FTP fan before! What's your favorite song of their's?

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Search engines weren't monopolized by google before. It was almost fair and square between yahoo, google and bing at those times.

Oh, really? I didn't know that


I can get my thumbs to touch my wrists 

Awesome! How do you do that? Like MK, I made the wrong choice and just tried it. I think I broke something... Now I'm just typing with one hand

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I listen to all types of music. I have no genre discrimination.

I like all types of songs, but usually some songs are just way better than others because they are, excluding what kind of music genre it is. So I don't judge songs by their type.

I am double-jointed on my fingers and shoulders. I can bend my arms from in front of me to behind me.

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Both my arms have scars and light spots like I was burned by boiling water, and they have never healed before. If it did, a new would appear even if you didn't do anything.

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