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Vi Graythorn

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ppl like to come to me for advice....apparently i make a good "therapist".

(i hav no idea why ppl like my advice tho... :blink: )

LOL I am very terrible at giving advises XDDD

All I can say is "Don't commit suicide!" XDDDDDD

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That's a good skill to have.

You think so?

but i feel like ppl depend on me too much.

like wat if i accidently giv them bad advice?

All I can say is "Don't commit suicide!" XDDDDDD

LOL xD ikr

sometimes all i can tell ppl is "I dont know."

and i feel terrible ^ ^;; since they were expecting more of me.

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You think so?

but i feel like ppl depend on me too much.

like wat if i accidently giv them bad advice?

LOL xD ikr

sometimes all i can tell ppl is "I dont know."

and i feel terrible ^ ^;; since they were expecting more of me.

Well, everyone wants someone to listen. My dad tells me to "help" my friends, not give them "advice" though sometimes it feels the same. And I understand how you feel.

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Well, everyone wants someone to listen. My dad tells me to "help" my friends, not give them "advice" though sometimes it feels the same. And I understand how you feel.

Helping and advice are very similar.

I'm not sure what the difference is...

I think..perhaps helping means instead of telling them wat to do thru advice, u should try to help set the idea in motion by leading them in the right direction urself.

but that is jus my opinion...

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I get pretty excited during heavy snow.

I do too. But heavy snow only comes like once a year where I'm from in Texas (pretty rare).

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