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Detective Conan World
Vi Graythorn

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When I'm bored in a public place, I evaluate people's backgrounds based on the way the act and how they look.

I rarely, if ever, tear muscles. However, when I do, it's normally quite severe.

Same here. The only time I've ever torn a muscle was when I attempted to do a back flip. (It hurt as hell)

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I've landed in the hospital for tearing my leg in a soccer game when I was young.

Ouch. I didn't go to a hospital but I had to get my thigh checked out at the doctor's office. I walked on crutches for 2-3 weeks. <_<

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I hate PE and believe that PE should be a non-required subject.

Considering the increased obesity rate of children nowadays, I believe that PE as a required subject isn't so bad after all. :P

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