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Favorite OVA?

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OVA 8..god its DAMN FUNNY! i really liked it alot... LOL....the best part was the ALIEN part..hahahhaa :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


i also liked OVA 2 as its shows a glimpse of Shinichi's and ran's past <3 and its so sweeeettttt!!!  :wub:

stranger in 10 years was also nice! 

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gotta say the one with Sherlock Holmes was amazing....the episode where Conan takes out a helicopter with a soccer ball was inspiring....and anything LUPIN is a must watch for me at least

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My fave OVAs:

1. OVA 9- what a nightmare! But maybe this will be the ending if Conan keeps pestering Haibara to make a prototype antidote....(mischievous smile)

2. OVA 8- the wacko ideas of the detective boys! Seriously, you want to have a kid on a skateboard on a small stage?! And that last part with the nuns! (But having a murder play is disrespectful...)

3. OVA 11- Haibara. 'Nuff said

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I've only seen the 9th one, but I honestly don't think any one can top it 'cuz beyond Jimmy getting his life back, I just want Rachel to know that Conan is Jimmy. For her to know that he's been with her all this time it'd give her an understanding for all the pain this has caused her. I strongly believe it will end with Jimmy getting his life back without Rachel ever knowing he was Conan. So OVA 9 gives me everything I've been wanting from the beginning. I can't tell you how many times I've yelled "JUST SAY IT!" at my computer screen and how many times I've about thrown my computer when she accuses him and he says "nope, you're crazy." I wanted to punch Kaito Kid square in the face at the end of the movie for showing up. GRRRRR!!!!!! Come on Rachel! If it looks like a Jimmy, acts like a Jimmy, it's probably a Jimmy! Where there's smoke, there's fire!

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Favourite OVA, hmm...

I really enjoy them all of course.
Although number 9 hit me hard and threw me into angsty feels.
I believe number 8 is my favourite, classic drama of Sonoko being Sonoko, then the hilarious stuff everyone comes up with, and the best part, Shinichi! playing violin too! (even if, as Conan pointed out, he wouldn't realistically show up in that particular manner) It's so cool and romantic with a simple and sweet case. Not to mention, the great karate detective Ran, priceless.
Numbers 1 and 10 are tied for a very close second because I adore everything about KID-sama.

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