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Chinese government sucks

its a whole dictatorship except it lives under the name of a communist party :V

Here's an email Hunter said to me. It's a joke, and since Labor Day was coming up:

In China, every day's Labor Day.

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*nods at above comments*

*sigh* In China, many of the times, even if you have comparable skills as another, you cant get anywhere high without help from influence. Money talks in China...

Same in taiwan ~

Just bribe with money and you can get into a good school even if you do crap on the entrance exams :rolleyes:

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Omg aw cooooool!!!!!!! xDDD so u speak cantonese then?? Px

That's so awesome!! I love China!!! xPPP

(Note: China as in including Hong Kong and Taiwan.) But I love China the most, still..xP

Edit: and I think it's...Hong Kongnese...? xPP

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Wellllllllll...to bring up a topic..

犬夜叉!犬夜叉!犬夜叉!犬夜叉!犬夜叉!犬夜叉!犬夜叉!犬夜叉!犬夜叉!犬夜叉~!!!!! xPPPPPPPPPPP

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That's why i never use translate ...

when i try to translate japanese to english you get weird sentence.

*romaji .........*piano opening *weird words*

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