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Dear Anonymous...

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Dear Anonymous,

You should ask your classmates, teacher, and check the library.

How else are you going to find it?!



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Dear Anonymous,

After hearing a certain song, I'm just like O__O

I'll tell you why.

It's cuz you sing just like Jun Fukuyama.

That makes you totally exceed my expectations.

Go try out the choir. Or the worship team.



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Dear Anonymous(es),

Please don't ignore me in my time of need.

Otherwise, I won't be able to call you my friends. There.

I'm currently in a state of denial with myself.

Please don't treat me like a freak.

Try listening.

Thank you.


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Dear Anonymous,

Look. I'm annoyed. No, to tell the truth I'm pissed off. This is the closest I've gotten to angry for...as long as I can remember. I hate it. I absolutely hate it. If I could, I'd stop feeling this way and take it in stride as I have every single comment that you've made. But for some reason, you've crossed the line. I don't like the feeling that every time you make another one of your snide comments I feel angry. Yes, we're friends. I find it ironic that the number of times you've thought I've been angry and I haven't and this one time when I am, you are oblivious.

But enough of that. You struck a nerve and instead of taking a hint, you continued to do it. I think that's the fact that annoys me the most. Once, I can stand. Twice, maybe. But one time after another? Sure, it may sound funny, but you know what? It annoys me to no end. I don't know why. Right now, I honestly don't care why. It simply does.

To think out of all people who would be like this to me, it would be you. But then, I should've expected that, shouldn't I? I know your personality. Maybe I'm still naive like I've always been. Maybe I'm too much of an optimist. I'd rather be that then the pessimist you are.

Signed, Anonymous

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Dear Anonymous,

Sure. Sure you didn't say it was my fault. What happened to the "Jean, what did you do with my journal?! It was right there!" Wow, you found it like, 5 seconds later on the ground. And sure you weren't blaming me for its disappearance. SURE. I'm sure the entire world would agree with me that you were blaming me in that sentence, combined with your look of anger at me.

Signed, The One Who Got Accused

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Dear Anonymous,

I don't feel like coming here anymore.

After I reached 10,000 posts, I think I'll leave DCW for good.

It wasn't that you guys did anything bad.

It's very good for everyone to keep welcoming the new members. I totally agree with your actions.

I just... feel like studying. If I keep coming here, I won't be able to keep my grades up.

I might just... write a will when I leave or something.

Thanks for everything.


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Dear Anonymous,

Please stop biting me. It's leaving lots of bug bites and making me scratch all over.

You don't know how long it look me to get my LEGS* back to scar free <_< ( DAMN WHITENING CREAMS , TAKES FOREVER TO HEAL)

I swear I will kill all of you someday...

Signed, the person who loves killing bugs.

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Dear Mr. Counsellor,

Did you just read what's on my mind?

My schedule was perfect.

It was arranged exactly what I wanted.

Thank you.

I think I will hug you when I see you at school later.


One of the students

PS. Just kidding on the last sentence.

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Dear Anonymous,

I don't feel like coming here anymore.

After I reached 10,000 posts, I think I'll leave DCW for good.

It wasn't that you guys did anything bad.

It's very good for everyone to keep welcoming the new members. I totally agree with your actions.

I just... feel like studying. If I keep coming here, I won't be able to keep my grades up.

I might just... write a will when I leave or something.

Thanks for everything.


Everyone will get inactive at some point( i'm going to be sooner or later ), or even leave , because everyone has lives to live.

Chase after your dreams ^_^ ~ :grin:

Good luck :P

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Dear Anonymous,

I'm sorry for all the numerous times in the past 3 years that I have avoided your camera lenses and refused to have a picture taken of me. I'm sorry that you cannot find a suitable picture for my application.

Still, acknowledge there is no chance in the world I will willingly put on makeup and go to the photo studio with you to take one stupid picture for one stupid application.

Signed, Your Daughter

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Dear Anonymous,

I will one day reach my dream! I don't care how silly you think it is!! I will accomplish it one day! And you better believe it!! So make fun of me as much as you want because I don't give a crap. XP

You don't even know what the hell you want to do with life, so stop laughing at me and start thinking about your own dang life. <_<

Very annoyed,


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Dear Anonymous,

Look. What I read, do, watch, write, etc. has nothing to do with you. It is none of your business. You don't even give me the least respect to have a little privacy. And I personally don't CARE that you don't know what Detective Conan is. I'm not gonna bother to explain it to you. You'd just forget it. And why in the world would it matter to you that I write? It's not like you'll ever read it and it's not like I'm doing anything wrong. So mind your own business.

- Jean

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Dear Anonymous,

I love you like a brother, and I miss you like no other. Huh, that rhymed. I'm a poet, and I was not aware of the fact. Anyway, you know who much you mean to me, and I just want you to come back, if only for a day.

Signed, Your sister from another mister

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Dear Mark,

Please be well.

Sincerely, KKLT


Dear Anonymous,

Im so sorry for making insensitive comments. I should have considered properly before making my statement. I feel really bad right now. But I was genuinely worried. I wish you'll feel better.


A concerned friend

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Dear Anonymous,

I feel different...

This new year is filled with so much pressure and new things.

I think it's going to be harder for me to adjust then usual.

Nothing feels...quite right.

Good news is with my new boy-ish hair cut, I get less attention from boys :D

Yes that's good news. I..I don't like having to deal with the responsibility of rejecting them. Breaking hearts is just no fun. A good thing for your confidence, but I feel so mean :unsure:.

Also, I am annoyed at how we don't talk as easily like we used to :(

I wish to change that :)



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