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Dear Anonymous...

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Dear Anonymous,

i just edited this post because i felt like it

and to annoy you

and because it contains something you shouldnt see


ur stalkee ;)

Edited by AiLoveConan

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A letter I addressed to a classmate from school: (Please note: It isn't anyone from this site.)

Dear Anonymous

Why are you so popular? Do you make friends by spreading rumors about people or bullying them?

Tell me the truth.

If so, I don't want any of your friends.

It'll kill me inside to be successful in the ways of the world, while flaunting my beliefs every which way.

Like how I see you.

Are you really a Christian?

I've been thinking it over, and it really bothers me.

If you really are a believer, then please behave more like one.

I've believed in Christ for about two years now and was baptized in the name of God earlier this year.

My parents have noticed positive change in me over the past years. About how considerate I've become.

My siblings have also noticed. My youngest brother - a fifth grader, mind you, told me about how I've become 'too nice' for my own good.

I've also gotten less selfish. Less self-centered. Less conceited.

I felt shocked, surprised to learn about these changes.

I immediately denied my brother's claim about my recent 'kindness' and 'generosity'.

On the other hand, my sister, who doesn't believe in God, appears very different in the eyes of my relatives.

They see her as a badly-behaved 'Christian'.

Do you see what I'm getting at?

Are you really a Christian?

Stop tricking others. And stop tricking yourself.



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Dear Anonymous,

o3u2oru fjdsznpo913[9 -]0)898¶°·&(p87!!!

There, I got it out of my system. Now for a letter that doesn't make me erupt in anger.

Dear Anonymous (again),

I have lived for a lot longer than you have. I have studied in school for a lot longer than you have. Now let's run down the list.

No, an email is not called "a line." The statement, "An email is something you use to send mail to people digitally online" does not mean an email is called "a line."

No, stubborn does not mean stupid. Stubborn means unwilling to accept that you are wrong (which, by the way, you are).

And finally, throwing paper at someone from the backseat of a car isn't exactly the best way to get someone to be nicer to you.

Final note. Why in the world can't you accept what I say?! Why is it that every time I correct you, you have to object to it. "No, Beatrice is not a name, it's a word!" A name is a word, AND YES, BEATRICE IS A NAME, I DON'T CARE IF JUNIE B. JONES IGNORES IT AND WRITES IT AS A SIMPLE B, BEATRICE IS STILL HER MIDDLE NAME.

...So much for not erupting in anger. *sighs* Just listen, okay? Sometimes I wonder if you're the teenager in this household.

Signed, your older and annoyed sister.

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Dear idiot,

I hate you.

Please get out of my head.

*throws cash* Here's the money I owed you from yesterday.

Now leave me alone.

Signed, me.

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Dear Anonymous,

It's partially guys like you that made me think guys were stupid for a year and a half.

I don't particularly love your sister. Heck, I don't particularly like her. She complains a little too much for my taste, but at the least she doesn't swear every other sentence.

Consider that. I don't find anything you say funny. At all.

Signed, Anonymous

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