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Detective Conan World

Dear Anonymous...

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.. Overgrown.. ? O___O


I made an edit in that previous post :V

It's the truth. :V

Dear Anonymous,

I didn't make that choice.

Go blame Ryuuji and MM.

If you want, I can lend you my 7-year old sis. :V



P.S. Ja.


Lend me? :V That sounds nice~ But no. I still dont like the idea of being that old yet :V

DX Bye Pipichan :(

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LOL to the convo above xD

Ryuuji you can't be a girl >~<

that'd be too weird xD

Dear Anonymous,

you annoy me.



(haha i learned how to spell "sincerely" thanks to this forum xD)

EDIT: okay so not above xD more like on the previous page

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Dear Anonymous(es),

Please don't teach so differently from each others like that =____________=

Each of you claimed that you are the correct one and the other one(s) are 100% wrong.


Signed, a depressed "学生". (Which btw because of you, I'm not even sure how to pronounce it correctly).

Dear Anonymous,

As much as I totally respect you (and I really do), please remember that we've been having enough cockroaches inside our room right now =_________=

You can throw anything you want into your personal garbage-can, but not food-related stuffs. There's already a public garbage-can made outside of our room especially for food and such, which is btw only.... 3 steps away (!???)

Please don't be so lazy, I've had enough with cockroaches already !

Thank you.

Signed, Your Roommate.

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