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Dear Anonymous...

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Dear anonymous(es),

Please have the school dances after school for now on. I dislike the fact that I had to choose between studying or paying $2 for something I don't even want to go to. <_<



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Dear Anonymous (whoever you R),

I just had to let it all out. Don't get mad at/spy on me because of this.

Dear Best Friend,

Best friend number one,

If you only knew how much I miss you. You were always there since as far back as I can remember and I took you for granted. My first great lesson in life about loss was learned through you. I wish we could meet again, even just once. Four year passed and I finally caught a glimpse of you, but you changed so much. You were the friendly type and I just tagged along, contented watching from the distance. Sometimes I wished I could be as popular as you, but that simply wouldn't happen. As the years passed, I noticed that we were gradually growing apart. I was more engrossed with my studies, and you were busy making other friends. If you only knew that you were the only friend I had. When I last saw you, the gap between us was so great and I could barely recognize you. Now that I look back in time, I guess I never really was special to you. Thanks for everything, and I hope we meet again someday.

Best friend number two,

You took her place and helped comfort me when she was gone. But we were and still are worlds apart. You had many other close friends, and once again, I just tagged along. Maybe I assumed too much. I thought I was special to you, but you forgot me so easily. I thankful that we still meet once every so often, but why are you so cold, so far away from me?

Best friend number three,

You're such a great friend and I really miss you. You're always so patient, helpful, and encouraging, and I owe a lot to you. I just hope you come back soon. We used to be close, but as the months passed, we somehow grew apart. I have other friends now, but they can never take your place. I know I really have no reason to expect you to reply to my messages, but I wish you could send me a PM or something saying that you're okay. I'm looking forward to your return. Stay safe and sound and enjoy your stay over there.

Best friend number four,

I'm absolutely sure that I'll lose you as well, since all my friends seem to have vanished in the flow of time. You were such a good friend, though, and you've helped me more than you can imagine. I just wish I can repay you for everything.

I guess no one will ever like me. Maybe I'm just too different from all of you. You think I'm tough, strong, and talented--you think I have everything and you never saw me cry, but to be honest I've been hurting so much because of you. Do you know that I'm so lonely? People say I'm a snob who keeps to herself and is never friendly, but what's the point of making friends if you'll lose them anyway? All of you have many friends, but I only have you. When you leave, you'll leave gaping holes in my heart. I can't recover and move forward like nothing happened. I want to cry but the tears won't flow...

Best Friend Number Five,

You're the best Friend I can ever have--the only One who will never leave me, the only One who truly loves, accepts, and understands me, the only One who will always be by my side. In my loneliest hours, when everything is so bleak and everyone else has forgotten me, You're there to say that You love me. Thank YOU.

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Dear Anonymous,

Please. Stop. It.

This has been going on for months.

So stop. I don't know why you're doing this. It could be anything from you want me to sleep more to you think it's funny when I get yelled at. But stop it. Whatever your intentions are, stop it.


~ Jean

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Dear anonymous...

People have feelings if you don't know, We are not a robot in your hands or something. Don't brake my heart then you come like nothing happened and call me? I forgot about you. I don't need you. If I was just like a doll in your hands, then you can buy another doll. You don't need me. You know what? People hate you because of what you did to me, yes. I'm loved. So ha, and ha .

Signed, Lily. The-friend-you-betrayed.

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Dear Anonymous,

The reason why I decided to write this letter is because I thought it would be the right thing to do.

When you asked me that question two days ago, I had a decision. I had a choice to make.

To lie to you to save my reputation, or to tell you the truth.

I decided to tell you the truth.

Classmates laughed. People snickered at me.

You shrugged and continued teaching.

The entire matter seemed to be forgotten within two minutes.

Now, I realize that I couldn't have lied to you. My conscience would torture me throughout the entire break.

I might have lied to another teacher, a substitute, classmates. I could have lied to anyone.

But I didn't let myself lie to you.

Please respect my decision.

Thank you.


Your student.

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Dear Anonymous,

Things are getting to complicated :P

or am i jus over analyzing things

haha life is funny x3



Dear Anonymous,

I agree with you again :P

Life is realllllly funnnny :P :P

Your Friend,


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Dear anonymous

See? I told you. Dont mess with me. I kicked you outta school as I promised. You don't know me. Stupid math teacher. Go to hell. Uh btw. Good luck finding another job. Kekeke.

Signed., Your old student.

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Dear mommy....

What?!!! Your going to shop with my aunties And never come till midnight? That's the best news I've ever heard today. Please take your time shopping and never come back :P

Freedom!! At last! XD

Signed. Your daughter.

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Dear Anonymous,









Me =)

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