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Dear Anonymous...

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Dear Anonymous,

Who am I to feel bad just because I learned that you are dating someone? :mellow:

At first, I seriously felt as if I lost to another game again.

But as the thought played in my mind, I realized that we are almost strangers to each other.



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Dear Anonymous,

Of course it is. Life would be nothing if not hard. But because it's hard, it also makes certain things worthwhile and happiness precious. Dying is the easy way out...but then what? Being alive means you have a chance to make a difference, being dead just means making other people suffer and wonder because of you.

~ Anonymous

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Dear Anonymous,

*hugs* Keep going, keep moving forward. Look back and learn, but take another step without regret. Keep living for everyone around you, but more importantly, for yourself. And we'll always be there for you to lean on.

~ Anonymous

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Dear anonymous,

Arigatou <3

Signed, anonymous.


Dear anonymous

PLEASE DONT COME, not NOW! You ruined my plans by visiting us at a time like that! Couldn't you come another time!!!!!!!

Signed, Your niece.

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Dear Anonymous,

YOU. ARE. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EVIL!! I can't stand you anymore! you humiliated me in front of other people. you answer the way a lady never should. you flirt with guys around thinking they all like you. hah! stop dreaming! just... just go to hell, please?



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Dear Anonymous,

Just leave me alone.

Please. I'm begging you. Leave me alone. I'm not you, you can't expect me to act like you. And I doubt that for a second you've ever considered my age. You've always expected me to grow up and be an adult. Well I'm not. Accept that fact.

Just leave me alone. Please. You don't know what I'm thinking, feeling, or what I'm going through. If I have my way, you never will. Remember when I told you there was at least 60% of my life you don't know about? Well, I was lying about that too. It's probably around 99% that you don't know about. That's why you struggle to understand me -- because you don't know me.

Just leave me alone. I'll deal with it myself. Just...give me a little peace, will you? And stop trying to govern my life, to know exactly what I'm doing at every second.

Please. Just leave me alone.

~ Anonymous

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Dear anonymous.

WE ARE OVER, I'm not yours anymore. Leave me alone!!!!!!! I don't want to get back with you. I hate you. I regret every minute I spent with you. How Many times and how many languages should I tell you that? WE ARE OVER.

~Your ex.

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Dear Anonymous People,

LOL XD I know I disturb you all~

but i bring smiles to the table, ne?

you love meh nonetheless, ne? :D

i might annoy you guys sumtimes, but you should really stop whacking me all the time!!

i kno my stupidity causes you to want to smack meh on the head, but i swear I'm gonna get skull fractures or a concussion because of you ppl! xD lol

Love You People Lots,

Emiko <33

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