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Dear Anonymous...

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Dear Anonymous,

... :V Alright. :P Grammar freaks FTW!!!

Signed, the Grammar Freak.

Dear Anonymous,

Yeah! :D

Signed, the other Grammar Freak

Dear Anonymouses,

None of you are as much of grammar freaks as I am and you know it.

~ B)

Dear Anonymous,

Prove it :V



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Dear Anonymous,

Prove it :V



Dear Anonymous,

You forgot a period at the end of your sentence.

~ The Bigger Grammar Freak

Dear Anonymous,

I agree. :V

Signed, the Awesome Grammar Freak.

Dear Anonymous,

I am honored by your acknowledgement.

~ The Grammar Freak

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Dear Anonymous,

You forgot a period at the end of your sentence.

~ The Bigger Grammar Freak

Dear Anonymous,

I simply choose not to :V

And I corrected my teacher in 4th grade because she made a grammar mistake

~The Biggest Grammar Freak

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Dear Anonymous,

I simply choose not to :V

And I corrected my teacher in 4th grade because she made a grammar mistake

~The Biggest Grammar Freak

Dear Anonymous,

Proper grammar isn't about choosing whether or not to. And I have done that multiple times.

Do you text with proper grammar, capitalization, and spelling? :V

~ The Bigger Grammar Freak

Dear Anonymous,

Glad you feel honored, madam. :P

Signed, me.

Dear Anonymous,


~ Anonymous

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Dear Anonymous,

Proper grammar isn't about choosing whether or not to. And I have done that multiple times.

Do you text with proper grammar, capitalization, and spelling? :V

~ The Bigger Grammar Freak

Dear Anonymous,

Have I mentioned I'm not allowed to text? :V

~A Girl With Strict Parents

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Dear Anonymous,

You have not. :V

~ A Girl with Parents Who Are Not That Strict

Dear Anonymous,

Well I just did. You're lucky, I probably won't get a laptop/iPhone/computer/whatever I can use to access the internet until I move out OTL.


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Dear Anonymous,

Well I just did. You're lucky, I probably won't get a laptop/iPhone/computer/whatever I can use to access the internet until I move out OTL.


Dear Anonymous,

That's a bit of a run-on sentence. :V

Then what are you using now? O.o

~ Anon

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Dear Anonymous,

That's a bit of a run-on sentence. :V

Then what are you using now? O.o

~ Anon

Dear Anonymous,

It's true that I could have shortened it. :V

Right now, I'm using my parents' computer.


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Dear anonymous,

Hai-hai, Yes. I promise. Okay, I'll not watch action movies and I'll sleep early, any other orders, ma'am?

Great, not like I'll do these orders anyway.

~ Your only nocturnal-naughty daughter.

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Dear Anonymous,


I've got a fever and a headache and I'm throwing up.

And you still want me to study? Come on. Don't you think that's overkill?

Still sick,


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Dear Anonymous,

You keep saying people don't understand you. you don't even let anyone try. youre not supposed to yell and make others feel bad just so you'll become happier.

Signed, Anonymous

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Dear anonymous,

I'd love to understand what you're saying please :V


The Confused and Curious


Dear anonymous,

Who am I?



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My dear shining star,

You are the only one I look at.

But who is it that you look at?

If only it was me~ :P



So cheesy xp

Dear Anonymous,

hahahahahahah xDDD

I'd love to see you try ~

Signed , Anonymous

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My dear shining star,

You are the only one I look at.

But who is it that you look at?

If only it was me~ :P



LOL :P :P so who is this person? :P


Dear anonymous,

Should I be active poster again? :P



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