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Dear Anonymous...

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Dear anonymous,

Let me tell you something, dont worry I'll not be so rude this time, ( ONLY THIS TIME YOU HEARD ME?! ) I tried making something toooooooooooooooooooooooooooo awful just for your sake, I tried to end my life just for you.. What do you want more? no matter how he tried to stop me, I just did it, for you. How can I Live anymore after hearing those harsh words? please, dont make me suffer more, I cant. Why did you tell me that I was Annoying since the day you gave birth to me? if I was that annoying. I'll disappear dont worry, soon or later you will relax,,

signed, your daughter, ( I'm still wondering if im your real daughter, probably not.)


Dear anonymous,

shut up,! I bet your going out with her when I die, Dont try to stop me with awful LIES, OKAY?!


signed, the girl who loves you without stop.

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Private letter, not directed to anyone on DCW.

Dear Anonymous,

It's sort of your fault that your hair is now 'longer' than mine.


Seriously, get a haircut. Or I'll keep calling you 'Wind'.

The 'Wind' from FH3.




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Dear Anonymous,

I get it, alright?

You don't have to shout to get the point across. You think I don't feel guilty already?

I don't want to hear you try to understand this time and take my side. It's obvious you don't...trying just makes you seem like...almost like a politician who pretends to share the same view as people just to get their votes. It makes me feel like you're a hypocrite.

Just leave me alone. Leave. Me. Alone. I don't want to talk to you. And I don't want to hear your reasoning or excuses this time.

~ Jean

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Dear Miike,

Go get a haircut, but don't cut too short like a boy. And everyone will thought to pick fun of you, I meant it but I feel terrible writing or typing it. You have managed to grow out of it in the past, don't relieve history over again.

From Miike.

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Dear anonymous,

I want to laugh at your jokes one last time.

I just cant, no, silly you how could I ignore you? I have no one but you in this life,

if you werent there, you know what'll happen.


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Dear Anonymous,

You are an exact opposite of what I wanted to be in the future.

I never thought you'd be that childish and immature.

Start acting your age.

You can never ever get everything you wanted.

You cannot control everyone's life.

Don't act as if you are strong because it's very obvious that you are so weak.

At least if you say something, stand for it.

I now clearly understand why you don't have friends.



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