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Dear Anonymous...

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dear anonymous,

*sighs* I really am a worthless scum. I know. you don't have to make me feel that way. you people, make me feel so small. I can't blame you, though. I'm not worth anyone's time.


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dear anonymous,

that's kinda hard thing to do. especially when you know perfectly well that you really have no one to tell your problems to, no one to talk to, no one to hug you. I don't mind though. I'm fine, reallyyyy~ :) :)

~doro-chii :D

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Dear anonymous 1,

You're not worthless, you're wonderful. And you do have someone to talk to.. Even if I'm not always able to talk with you, please remember I'll always be there for you.


Mia or most likely, your 'sis'.

Dear anonymous 2,

Remember when I told you I sometimes rather close my eyes and not open them ever again..? This.. is how I feel right now. But you're gone..



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Dear Anonymous,

This is a simple problem. You have had little sleep for a prolonged period of time which indicates that you have used up all your stored body energy and will no longer be able to function properly if you do not have the required amount of sleep (possibly more) to make up for what you have lost. No amount of coffee intake will be able to do this. Time is the essence. You must get rid of this bad habit as in later stages you may fall unconscious for several days due to sleep deprivation.

Signed, Anonymous

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Dear Anonymous,

Do you know what feelings are about? I guess.. it's something you'll never get to know. Because.. playing with other people's hearts.. is one of the cruelest things to do..



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Dear Anonymous,

There is no way out...it's like a maze without an exit...I wish there was one...

Why do I care anymore? It's not my part to care...yet I still do...I just can't forget...

I don't know...I don't know anything anymore...

I'm so lost and confused...will I ever find my way?

Perhaps I should just pay the price...pay the price of love and never experience happiness or pain again...

What is the use of it anyways, if love, like everything else, cannot last forever?

All I wish for is death...I hope my Lord finds his way to me...


S. o. D.

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Dear popular DC pairings fans,

Please please PLEASE stop saying how you "want there to be more more more and MORE" of your couple. Your pairing has taken up WAY more of the story than it needs to. Let the little guys have their moments too. You don't need anymore for a very very VERY long time. You have over 600 episodes of Gosho switching continuously. We minority fans deserve attention, too. :P


IHKF and don't you forget it. XD

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Dear Aoyama,

Please realise that you are good in writing cases, not romance. So please stop with all the Romance. Coz you know that if you mix romance and case together, the result will be something like "The London Arc".

-representative of DC fandom

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