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Detective Conan World

Dear Anonymous...

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Dear Anonymous,

I'm sorry, okay? Very sorry. But you know what would be better? If I knew what I was apologizing for. What did I do to make you so mad? I was in a daze all throughout English after what you said.... I've been sifting through my memories of the past few days, wondering if I might have done something to upset you. I haven't been able to think of anything significant.

WHAT DO I DO? Jeez, I hate making friends sometimes. None of my IRL friendships ever last. I'm not close to anyone. Sometimes, I think all the people of DCW might be better friends than anyone I know in real life. I DID try to confront you about it. I just want to know.... IT COULD BE A MISUNDERSTANDING, could it not? Please, I need help. Somebody help me. I really don't want to lose another friend.

Should I be mad? Because I'm starting to think that maybe you don't appreciate everything I do for you. I'm not going to be modest. I do a lot for you. The least you could do is tell me what is so stupid wrong! I mean, you don't even know the full story!! You haven't heard both sides. I don't deserve the cold shoulder yet, okay? "It's better if we just keep our distance?" FINE! I don't need you!

But that doesn't mean that I don't want you to be my friend. What should I do? Advice, anyone?


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Dear Anonymous,

Oh. OH.

That's why you were mad at me.

I had no idea.

No, wait. That's a lie.

I suspected something similar.

And you know what?

I don't give a "fudge-cake", "bubblegum."

You are truly a rude, inconsiderate person.

In fact, how dare you? You are degrading me.

I don't want to have anything to do with you.

You are so "fantastically" sensitive about this particular subject. Don't you realize that you are doing the exact thing you hate so much to me? Jeez. I'm so mad.


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Dear Anonymous.

I believe I have the right to scratch off "Invent something in Maths" on the to-do list. I did it so in your face! :P


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