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Dear Anonymous...

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Dear Anonymous,

I don't care who's ideal it is. If it's the right one, I'll support it.

The way you put it basically means this: Men have the rights to do pretty much whatever they want and women just have to go along with it.

So if a husband was beating his wife, it would technically be considered "ok" because he "rules over his wife and the wife must obey him."

So basically women are little more than objects of entertainment and tools to keep the human race going.

If that's the case, I might as well disappear off the face of this planet. The world doesn't need me. It's still got plenty of tools left.

I disagree with you on everything you just said. I will quote passages against you and use your own word against you if I have to. With everything you just said, it basically tells me that since women are "inferior to men" we are also incapable of making our own decisions, and that a husband's word is the law.

I don't think so. I don't believe so.

If being "Christian" means that I have to believe that, I'm not so sure I want to be it anymore. I'm my own person and I will stay that way.

I believe in the ideal that people are equal. Not the same, never the same, but equal. I believe that everyone should be treated with respect and that their opinions matter. I believe people should be given choice. I believe in being "good," not because I look forward to the rewards but because it is right.

You can argue all you want but there is no chance you will change my opinion. You can say that certain things have "brainwashed" me, but I can argue the same for you.

It's odd. The person I should trust most feels like the one I now trust least. Everything I used to believe about you seems cancelled out.

Being a good man doesn't make you right.

~ Jean

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Dear Anonymous,

I really.. don't understand you. It's not like I expected you to apologize, however, at least feeling sorry was something I hoped you got to feel..


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Dear Anonymous,

I don't get him, what's wrong with him? His eyes linger over me a second longer than it does on anyone elses. He holds my hand just the tiniest bit longer if I give him a high-five. What does this mean?


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Dear anonymous,

If you just know how hard I punched the wall.... I'll make you regret it. I swear I'll. You need an "Attitude adjustment." just where's my John?

Signed, John's 1st fan?

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Dear Anon,

It's my life so you stay out of it. Why do you have to be so jealous and mad all the time?! I am not your possesion so stop treating me like one! :evil: Can't you just let me live my life when I still can?! Stop butting into my life saying that you care for me. You are only caring for yourself. Not me. :mellow:


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Dear anon,

You don't know how much I care for you. Just because the agreement is broken don't mean that I'll forget. I care for you and maybe it's because of that my mind is clouded but that still don't mean I don't care. I care very much about you. Maybe you just never see it.



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Dear Two Anonymouses,

It is not of care that the mind is clouded. It is of fear. Admittance is the first step to forgiveness. Stop fooling yourself. It is not your or any one else's business to butt in.

As to you, he is jealous and mad because one doesn't always live for themselves. They live to see the ones they love happy and share that happiness. He should have been happy instead of jealous of you.

Don't point, don't accuse and never speak when angry. It isn't one but both of you who is at fault. One should keep a cool mind in a critical situation.

Hoping for the best,


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