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Detective Conan World

Dear Anonymous...

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Dear Anonymous,

I care more about your health than your beauty. No one can survive for long on 4 hours of sleep and one meal a day. Get some rest. Get some more nutrition. What does your beauty matter if it withers away because of some disease? You're skinny, you're light. Don't do this to yourself.

~ Jean

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Dear BO,

</333333333333333333333333333333333 x10000000000000000000000

I take over for someone and you kill me before I actually get a chance to play. T___________T *cries*


A very sad Chiba

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Dear anonymous,

I find it rather interesting that you feel the need to come up with a come-back for every little thing I post that may somehow SOMEWAY insult you.


Hey, it's YOU who's wasting your time and getting annoyed. I'm the person who likes to start arguments supposedly, remember? :twisted: lol

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