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Detective Conan World

Dear Anonymous...

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Dear anon,

Where are you when I need you most? Please come back soon. Everytime I hear about those riots, wars and disasters I get worried. I don't even know where you are now.

Please come home.

Your sis.

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Dear anonymous,

Listen to that song, Dosent it describe us? ily, when will you understand? I never thought I'll love you that much, but you were gone. Before I realize I love you like crazy. Did you put some spell on me? Cuz I'm not sure I'm a human :]

Signed, RR

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Dear Anonymous,

She may have been unreasonable afterwards, but you shouldn't have done that. You really shouldn't. She told us at the start that she didn't want you to do it but you still did it. Even as a joke, that went too far. You should've respected her at least that much.

I'm sorry that it ended like that, but she had a reason. You should've respected that.

~ Jean

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Dear anonymous,

Don't remind me of that time. You were totally drool worthy. :P I am sure that a few girls fainted when you did that move. :lol: You're a killer you know that? Stop flaunting yourself. :P



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Dear Anonymous,

If I were to disappear tomorrow, would you care? Would you notice?

I don't think so. I don't think you'd care. I don't think you'd notice. As sad as it seems, that's the truth.

I might've felt differently a while ago, but now...I don't know...

I don't know...

~ Anonymous

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