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Dear Anonymous...

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Dear My Dearest Anonymous,

I realize that you don't like it when I compare you to Justin[a] Bieber. However, it's just too funny. Also, you deserved it for leaving my little bro all alone. :( That's very bad. You do not piss off Sakila. And you really do not do anything that may remotely piss off her younger brother. You will suffer consequences. That is why I twisted your arm today at P's birthday party. I know you'll never read this, but I'm just putting it out there. Be careful in the future.


Your most favorite cuz in the world~~~!!!!

P.S. Watch out.

P.P.S. And I mean it. Watch out.

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Dear SF,

Prepare for payback, I heard your cousin is coming here. icon_twisted.gif No I'm not evil. I just want revenge for that blanket.


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Dear Anonymous,

That "incident" occurred more than four months ago. And all of these new rules and routines you're creating aren't helping AT ALL. They just drudge up old memories that I don't want to relive. Please stop. It's really getting to my head. Please, I'm begging you, stop it.


Your frightened daughter

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Dear anonymous,

I'm sorry. I liked you before because you were up-beat and happy. Now?


Not so much.

Well, hate is a strong word but you truly do just... annoy me sometimes.

You're still cool.... sometimes.

But please. That... that THING that you like so much.... it's already popular so STOP ACTING LIKE IT NEEDS MORE ATTENTION! IT DOESN'T DESERVE IT. GAH!!! DX STOP! JUST- JUST STOP!

People like this just make me... sick... angry... frustrated... =-=


And I can't even say it isn't a... because in this situation... it kind of is a....

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Dear Anonymous,

Why does no one else believe me? I KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. However impossible you may deem it to be, it's true. Yeah, I know I must sound frickin crazy, but I'm not lying, ok?! Why would I? SOMETHING happened. I'm not an idiot, I'm not psychotic. It really happened.



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Dear anonymous,

Thanks for the MIND-BLOWING exam. Yeah, it is just WONDERFUL to sweat so much even when the air-con's at 20 degrees Celsius and it is just WONDERFUL to figure out whatever weird thing you put in the paper. <_<

I swear, if I hear you say "Chemistry is so simple/easy" again, I will shoot you. I mean it. :evil:


Your student-who-can't-draw-diagrams

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