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Dear Anonymous...

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Dear Anonymous,

Please get out of my life. You're toxic. You've caused this unbearable physical and emotional pain I'm feeling right now so please... just go.



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Dear Anonymous,

I don't like it one bit. You're not you anymore. Don't think those fake smiles or laughs can convince me. Just look in the mirror. What happened to the carefree boy I liked, who talked about destroying the world? where did he go to? I know things happened but you need to move on, even if it means forgetting things you don't want to forget. You don't need to act so tough. You never show your real feelings, just letting it build up inside. Humans are not perfect. Just let it out! you aren't empty, you are just filled with sadness you are not willing to show.



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Dear anonymous,

Is this Love? Is this Hate? Is it Desire? Is it the want of revenge? Or is it just wild jealousy?

I'm dying to know what was that feeling I felt when I saw you with that person..

If I really loved you, I'd run to you when I heard you were crying. If I hated you, I would laugh at you. If I wanted you I would've went behind her. If I wanted revenge, I would've made your life a nightmare and made you cry blood. If I was jealous, then I would've simply argued with her. I give her my permission, but it still could be the last option.

I don't know what are we doing to each other anymore.

I don't know what we are to each other anymore, either.

Yours previously,


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Dear Anonymous,

Of course I'm angry. It doesn't make sense. You asked for something, I gave you that thing, and then it's rejected because you expected an additional something. Well too bad for you. I can't read minds.



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Dear anonymous,

I don't care if you're mad at me or anything. I don't care about your wrath. Not even one bit. It's really a good thing that I've learned to become insensitive about others' feelings. But why do you have to tell those people how mad you were at me last night just because I wasn't able to give you a portion of that since you're not a close relative of ours anyway? How about you tell that to my face!

Stop pitying yourself and thinking that you're just another freeloader who depends on others for food. That you're so poor and so no one wanted to be your friend. You keep droning on and on about how excited you are for your possibly-untimely-death and then your sufferings would end by then. Death isn't an escape. It's just a pointless resort for those who are too coward to face life. I was once kinda like that, but was never as crazy as you are right now. You go from one neighbor to another to tell a story about how tragic your life has been. Oh, please, we're not demanding for a sequel of Les Misérables. Stop being like that. No one's ever happy to be in that state. But please, find another way to entertain yourself at least. You have a family, but you're always yelling at them. Try to smile more often. Mood swings are optional. You can't keep frowning forever. There's just so much to be thankful for, if only you'd open your eyes and decline the negativities this world would allow.

~a (sort of) concerned neighbor

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Dear Anonymous,


I bet you think you have a million and one problems. Ever heard of positivity? It exists. (Even if Google Chrome says it's not a word <_<) But anyways, you're obviously not the most pitiful person in the world. I'm sure you know that.


Why do you ALWAYS have something to say? Just accept it and move on. You're that age. Problems occur. You get through them. Jeez, you always have this "Oh, well you did this to me and that to me and I don't like you and you're always unfair blah blah blah" mindset. So what? LIFE IS UNFAIR. Get over it already.



Someone Annoyed

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Dear DCW,


You have become more awesome.


Me :P


Dear Me,

Yes, remember that warning point. Be careful, a lesson shall repeat itself until it is learned.



Dear Animax,


-AL <_<


Dear People who read this,

Beware of the dog. Batteries not included.



Disclaimer: Please forgive me if I wrote anything stupid.

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Dear anonymous,


You are such a flirt. A flirt, a flirt, a flirt. If only we hadn't gotten really close, I would've told you that straight to your face. And I'm not going to regret anything for saying that.


Too bad I'm all too nice to do it.


~ Me

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Dear anonymous,


Thank you for letting me choose what pairing I want to be featured next on your series of drabbles as a present for my upcoming birthday~~~ *O* it really means A LOT. <3




your loyal reader

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Dear Anonymous,


Finally!! Finally, sweet revenge! I don't think I could be--


Wait, did you just... did you just IGNORE me?!


After all that plotting and scheming and yelling and hair-pulling, I was ignored?! Humph!


I hate you :L



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Dear Anonymous,


So many faces, so many facets, so many facades. To think that one person could have some many different sides, so many different personalities, it's almost... awe-inspiring.


So do we really know these people we're always around? The girl you spent every single day with two years ago won't even acknowledge you existence when you pass by each other nowadays. The boy you shared all your homework answers with in the seventh grade doesn't even know that you lived the block over.


There are so many things about these people we don't know. So many connections we haven't made. You automatically analyze just the bare minimum to judge a person. So I'd just like to ask, especially to you: who are you?


Your friend,


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Dear anonymous,

You have your mother...but it pains me to see that your mom doesn't care for you the way mothers usually do. Maybe I just can't and don't see it. Maybe she really doesn't. I don't know which is truer. But is there really such a person? I've no idea.

It's been only weeks since we first met and I already felt strangely close to you. I've always said I never wanted to have kids of my own; but what is it about you that makes me want to care for you? You probably don't know about these things yet, since you're only three years old. But I can honestly say that you've already taken a special place in my heart. You're the daughter I never had, and will never, ever have.

Your mom's gorgeous. She's also rich. Sophisticated. Has a decent job. Has a lot of connections. Owns a car. Got a lot of gadgets. She's everthing I'm not. Compared to her, I'm most likely just a nobody. But I have something more than what she has to offer — the attention you've been wanting to get from her. You want her to see you. I can give you that, baby. If you'll only let me. I won't leave you alone in the dark. I won't lock you inside the bathroom. I won't let you face the wall. I won't let anybody just take you anywhere. I'll sleep beside you. We'll sing 'Twinkle Twinkle' together till our throats hurt. I can push your car for you while you're in it. You see, I have a lot more to give. I may not be able to provide you those things, not even a luxurious life; but I can guarantee you that this love, this affection I have for you is more than the happiness you can get from just playing her iPad. It's genuine. It comes deep down from the bottom of my heart.

Just days from now, you're going to go back to New York. Can you just...stay? Please don't leave. Don't leave me. Just stay. Oh wait. Who am I? Who am I to stop you? Do I even matter to you? But believe me, whenever you're in my arms, you don't know how much I wanted to kidnap you and hide you away from the rest of the world.

But I simply can't do that. I'm not your mother. I don't own you.

I know you'll grow up to be a fine lady one day. I know you won't remember me anymore when that time comes. And maybe you'll no longer come back here. But I just want to tell you that whatever path you may choose to take, bear in mind that there's one particular person who loved you probably more than anyone else you've met here did. If you ever come back, there's always a place here for you to stay. You know where my humble home is.

You'll always stay in my heart. Always and forever.

...I love you, sweetie.

~ ____________

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Dear Anonymous,


I truly love you, hun. I need you to know that.


I'm terrible at those kinds of things. At cheering people up. At taking their mind off of things. I accidentally make insensitive comments and I just can't read the atmosphere.


So when you called me back today, I honestly had zero idea what I was supposed to do. Was I supposed to say "Its okay to cry?" Or should I say "You have to be strong."


I hope, oh do I really hope I did okay. I hope I was at least some sort of comfort. You were crying at first but then you laughed before we hung up. Is that a good thing? You thanked me for making you happier and I didn't know whether I should be conceited enough to say "You're welcome." Because was it really me? I feel like maybe... you comforted me. You made me feel like I didn't make a fool of myself while trying to be "the shoulder you can cry on."


So thank you. We'll spend all of tomorrow on the verge of happiness.




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Dear Anonymouses,


Expectations one side, exploitation is another thing entirely. Yet I'm willing to do everything anyone else asks because, seriously I'm too disinterested in my life so I might as well do what others desire. But for now, I want to sleep for a whole week. =_=


-The Genius Boy


Dear Anon,


Oh yay, yes Valentine's Day is coming, but do I....damn, I hope you're thinking of me, so I don't feel so pathetic thinking about you.



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Dear Anonymous,

Please stop trying to show off how much money you have. I'm not poor, okay?

My parents like to be thrifty. They're aware of how much money they spend. It's not like they don't buy me a $600 dress because they can't. They don't buy it for me because it's a stupid investment.



Dear Anonymous,

You're probably the only person I can properly and honestly write off as "nice" so I want to ask you: Am I a good person? Truly?

-A Doubtful Me

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Dear Anonymous,

I hope it is. I'm too afraid to say it directly <3


Never mind.


Dear Anonymouses,

Anonymous 1: stop being such a jerk. Can't you get serious when you need to be?

Anonymous 2: STOP BEING SUCH A SHOWOFF. Well unfortunately you don't have anything to show off. Or at least no one is interested (IN YOUR FACE.) That doesn't mean you have to lie. So much for being a "royal"... -_-

Anonymous 3: Walk around chasing people. It's annoying to walk knowing there's someone you immensely dislike right behind you. And don't try to fit yourself in with the "other girls" 'cause that's not gonna work. And FOR GOD'S SAKE IF YOU DON'T KNOW DON'T FAKE.


Anonymous 5: that friend of yours, number 8... do you know how much she changed you? Do you know who that two-faced ***** really is? Don't try to act tough and ignorant and... disgusting. I feel bad for your former friend who I think has seen the same change I've seen. You've become shameless. In a BAD BAD BAD way.

Anonymous 6: oh. That's me.


Anonymous 8: Ever since you showed up my life has become chaos. I know it's a plot by you and your "frenemy." Do you know how... ABUSIVE, RUDE, and DESPISED it is? Stop tearing people apart. It's okay that there are people better than you in life. TWO-FACED *****!!!!!!


Anonymous 10: Another attention-seeking *****. You and your friend's hacking plot... I know all about that. I know about the pictures, the email, EVERYTHING. WAIT TILL I FIND EVIDENCE.

Anonymous 11: YOU DIRTY-MINDED SH*T. Don't lie about people who you barely know!!!!! When you reported me to admin, she came in, closed the door, and said, "I know she's being dramatic and that she's exaggerating and that you'd NEVER do such a thing. So just ignore her. Anyway, any good books you're reading lately?" IN. YOUR. FACE. Everyone hates you because of your arrogance, you dirty-mindedness. LOOK HOW YOU CHANGED HER, A PERSON I KNOW ONLY GAVE A DAMN ABOUT YOU BECAUSE SHE WAS FEELING PITIFUL. I HOPE SOMEONE SHOWS YOU WHAT YOU DESERVE ONE DAY. YOU DESERVE TO BE IN THE TOILET, BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE ALL SH*T IS. AND FOR GODS SAKE DON'T TELL ON POOR PEOPLE LIKE HER.

Anonymous 12: ...You... She... Transformed you. Don't you realize? CAN'T you realize? I hope, by any chance, that you realize one day and come back, come back to who you were once.

All Anonymouses: You're annoying, you piss me off, I hate you.

The angry one,

Number 6.

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Dear Anonymous,


You think you know me? have you ever seen your mouth? it never stops running. Calling teachers by name? you wouldn't call your mother by her name. Your hostility towards everything when you things don't go the way you want to prove that you are a brat. I wouldn't smack you, that's just not my style. And then saying words twice your age. I'm pretty sure you'd be worried if I just reconnect them in a different way for you, to you. Sadly, I don't like to talk crap. Educated sentences seem beyond you. You got 77%? good. You don't study on your own anyway. You always cheat, lie. Hell, you can't even answer questions about the test you just gave and got full marks for. If you talk bad about others in front of me, surely you talk bad about me behind my back. I'm your senior, I at least deserve some respect, and when I say things for you own good you toss them out the other ear. It's not my job to do it, it's your parents, but what do they know about you? you take the wrong advantage of their kindness. And your a sore loser, always blame the loss on others and the claim victory as your own. I'm fed up, to be honest if it wasn't for you being a family friend I'd have just done what I usually do. It gives me no pleasure to point out your faults. It's not like I announce them to the world, it's to prevent you from announcing them to the world. And you go back on your word. What else is there left to say?



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