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Detective Conan World

Dear Anonymous...

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Dear Anonymous,

I don't care;

Who you are~

Where you're from~

What you did,

As long as you love me~


~Quoting Backstreet Boys

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Dear twin,


I dont need a reason to hug you.




Dear minion,


If I tell you I'm good you'll think I'm arrogant but If I say I'm not good you'll know I'm lying.



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Dear everybody,

If has disappeared from Dear Anonymous.


Dear me,



Dear girl,

Did your complaint make a difference? I never saw you at the awarding. Slap in the face for you.

-number 37

Dear old proctor,

Oh sure 37 is raising her hand for ABSOLUTELY no reason. VERY nice.


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^I'll be back to stalking after all this crazy school stuffs is finished -_-

I'm willing to risk high cause I know.......... hehe......... boys......would........heheh.......nevermind -_-


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