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Detective Conan World

Dear Anonymous...

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Dear Anonymous,


I watched 5 minutes of it and it just didn't appeal to me. I'll try finishing a full episode though.




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Dear O,


Ahhh. I'm just wondering what to do. I told you I would trust you and I do. Maybe I just want to mean something more to you, all of you in reality.




Dear H,


You gave up too easily.  I can't tell if you're serious or not, and with your jokes based on sarcasm (which is just rude remarks people can laugh at) I'm at a loss at what to do.




Dear Q2,


Thanks for at least trying to understand me. But then again, I used to be just like you, no? Takes one to know one.




Dear A,


I'm a bother aren't I? Well sorry. Even though I'm always trying for you you'd rather hear the words I say from someone else. The problem is me myself.




Dear R,


People who seem to nice are often too good to be true. Huh.




Dear Q1,


Maybe I'm trying to hard. You're the one I feel I can get along well with but I'm not the one you're even looking at. Sorry.




Dear all,


I'm trying. I really am.



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Dear Anon,

When you asked that question today, I was stuck. I know, by itself, it's already a really controversial topic. I already know which side I'm rooting for, but... What if I'm involved in it personally? What do I do then?




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