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Dear Anonymous...

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Dear Anonymous,


You don't seem like the type of person who would like K-Pop, regardless of the fact that you're Korean (which you have stated in your defense)




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Dear Anonymous,


I wasn't supposed to do anything other than the grass, since I did most of the equations part. I'm counting on you to finish making the tennis balls for our poster.




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Dear anonymous,

Let's watch Star Wars VII, next year :D



Dear not so anonymous,

Make it that plus Jurassic World and count me in, too! (Unless your anonymous is your girlfriend, in which case never mind...)

From, the guy who wrote this post

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Dear not so anonymous,

Make it that plus Jurassic World and count me in, too! (Unless your anonymous is your girlfriend, in which case never mind...)

From, the guy who wrote this post

lol. meh, it's just some friends. :P

Surely if I have one, I'll be more busier to even find time to spam here :P

Dear anonymous,

You cannot make everyone happy... Stop trying to do so, There are always gonna be people who are gonna hate you for things that you are happy to do.



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Dear anonymous,

Thanks for that amazing essay, though I think your description there is a bit exaggerated. I also hope you won't be disappointed in mine. Let's have more fun next time.



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Dear anonymous,

You seem oblivious about the misunderstanding between my class and yours? Or is it maybe you simply don't care because you're too focused on your own romanticism? Open your eyes, dude, will you?



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Dear Anonymous,


I kind of feel bad for you, even though it's not really a bad thing. People who don't even know you are talking about it.




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Dear Anonymous,

It's human nature to get tired of the constant demand for understanding. Don't expect me to be perfect at all times. I have my own problems to deal with too. All I need is the same amount of understanding as I have given you.



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Dear anonymous,

If I say wake me up at ten, don't just come in at ten and shake me, of course I will say something indecipherable, then walk out. (But the problem isyou understood it as an ok! *facepalm*)

I overslept because of you...

Thanks for ruining my plans for the day.

The still sleepy me

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Dear above me,

Calm down :P

~ me

Lol. Why? :P

Dear mom and dad,

Thank you and I love you. I thought you two wouldn't allow me because I never slept over on someone's house before. I promise to call and update you. And I would be in my best behavior. I will try my best not to hug someone beside me on my sleep. :P

Love lots,


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