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Dear Anonymous...

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Dear anon,

I hope I ain't in trouble again for being such a stupid ass that I said stupid stuffs...

Hope to see ya really again soon :3




Dear anon,

Things are getting interesting really... I'm hoping my plan would really be successful this time...

I do not know what to do next if I fail lol.




Dear anon,

I really need your helping hand...



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Dear anonymous,


When it was your turn to pick a song for your class to run to in gym class you picked a kpop song.

I'm proud of you, my lowkey koreaboo friend


-- :')




Dear self,


You know that weekend you're gonna be home alone in July? Yeah --that weekend! You're gonna clean out your closet which for the past, what'll then be 10 months, has been storage and basically just a pit anything and everything has been thrown into. You're gonna do so much laundry and donate so many things. It'll be great! Then once that's done you'll have to work on what's littering your desk's drawers which isn't as... exciting but it needs to be done and it technically should've been done last year before the move but like most things that should've been done before the move, it didn't happen. It's approximately 8 weeks until then, so enjoy the last 8 weeks you'll have with this chaotic mess because it'll be the last time you'll see some of it.

just think of how clean your room will look and feel after it's all clean


-- don't you back out of this come mid/late July, me 

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Dear RZ,

You were always the awesome one. The one who made people look like fools without putting yourself in imminent danger of humiliation. Our conversations were fun, and you quickly became my favorite person among your crew. 


But the three years happened.


Maybe it was the crushing guilt you felt when you wronged your best friend, even though you weren't at fault. Maybe it was the influence of your relationship with the one who was at fault for your best friend's fall (although you didn't know). Maybe it was you and your boyfriend refusing to take off your guises and understand each other.


Maybe they all contributed to your dwindling self esteem, but I can only speculate


It broke me, and him (one who really cares about you), to see you in this state. When everyone around you disappeared, it was a return to form for you, and I was happy to see you return back to your former state. You gave yourself and everyone else, a chance at righting the wrongs committed in the three years.


Now, I see you with her, your best friend.


She was the one who made everything okay again, but then I see her manipulating you


You were the best of pals, but then she harmed several of your other friends. She cheated, She lied. That was why you broke off all contact with her. She knows you feel guilty about harming her, and she is using that to her advantage.


You were the smart one. The one who foresaw, almost with perfect clarity, everything that could happen. Why can't you see how she is using you?


I can only hope for the best, and the best means a return to the quirky, seer-like RZ.



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Dear anons,

Since my school life Ended

I kind of forgive y'all

Because in whichever and however

You guys bullied me

It's no use of remmembering it

And remmembering you

But thnkz for your efforts

'cause of you

I' the one who I'm now



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Dear ____,


Accounts are meant to be secret because I would like some parts of my life outside your sniffy nose. Looking at one completely breaks the purpose of it being private.


Maybe it's why I returned here, one of the only places not guarded by your sniffy nose, and maybe it's why I trust my friends more than I trust you.


Maybe that's why I'm putting such a fight with this Socratic irony.





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Dear anon,



*insert nge congratulations video here*



Anyway--!! Have fun at Comicon doing whatever the hell it is that you do at cons. Don't cosplay too hard or whatever

plz post pictures of you in your cosplay too, you've seen my selfies but I haven't seen yours and it feels weird


And I hope having high school behind you puts majority of the stress you had behind you so college will be a fresh start for you and that you'll also have cool, stable mind that's not on its last leg anymore ok ok 


--ur frand

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Dear Anon,


I wonder if I should try talking to you again. Alas, I never was one who deserved forgiveness.

~Colored Rabbit

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Dear anonymouses,

What's this sudden pin on my interests? :V Not falling for that :V :V




Dear anon,

Still here...

Hope you're not dead...

...And hope, I could fully trust your words...



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Dear anonymous,

She comes and go. And you lie. Such liar. All of you. I do prefer the truth than to ask for everyone about your lie.


Hope you read this!


Dear Blue eyes,

You was the best,and good. I wish never meet any person than you. But happened much stuffs and I can see the jerk/stupid side of anyone.


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Dear anonymous, 


You've been very quiet since you got back from your vacation... too quiet 

I admittedly don't really how you spend most of your days or know how truly busy you may be but you always respond fairly soon after I contact you

text me first for once dammit





Dear anon,


"Remember to continue working on your summer classes over break."

Ok but what if I just, ,, didn't. . . . . 

It's called a break for a reason....

I don't intend on completely ignoring them but I worry you have the expectation that I'm going to work on those a lot more than I'm actually going to


--  :rolleyes:

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Dear anon,

I never knew how hostile things can get. Haha, don't worry, I won't be talking anymore, next time. :)






Dear anon,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :D :D Need to visit you on saturday. Gah... It's been awhile :3



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Dear anon,

I'm sorry that I didn't go there like I promised today. It's just that an unplanned thingy took over. Really sorry ^___^;;




Dear anon,

Hope you completely return soon... Gah :3

Misya lots... :P



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Dear Anonymous,


Destroy them girl, destroy. You can't keep living like this. Stop being so stupid





Dear Anonymous, 


Yus yu vil get yar parsoman. :P





Dear Anonymous,


Please, its rays not rayses. 



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Dear Anon,

Is it not allowed to give critique to teaching methods anymore? Honestly, you're the ones who act so high and mighty just becaise you're older.

~"obedient" daughter

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dear anon,


idk who you are or what happened but you really messed up if you caused the entire area with about 70k people in total to lose both cable and internet for like 4hours on a weekday

hope you aren't out of a job come tomorrow morning


--admittedly very salty local resident




dear anonymous, 


I'm very stubborn, very bad at communicating, and I'm very sorry






dear self,


water u doing, u were supposed to start working on those online classes this past week and now it's 30 minutes to thursday and the only thing you've accomplished is getting a little farther along in uncharted 3 and watching some old silent movies

school starts in 2 weeks, you gotta start those soon since you have 3 classes to finish

you also desperately need to clean your closet since almost a year later it's still mostly unpacked boxes



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Dear anonymous,

Consider you as someone close to me,as my family,and now you give excuses.

It make me more sad and angry. Thinking why I didn't left this place.

How many times I helped you? Oh yeah this don't count because we are online.

I think this is the last thing to tell you.

Signed,online sis.

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Dear anon,


"You've poked ___ 42 times in a row!" this is getting out of hand but we both know neither of us is gonna back down 

'guess this means we're formally at war

a poke war, that is



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Dear anon,

Whoa. I had enough. So some people are keeping tab of score of something. Well, let me give you my own score then. I scored 10x more than you did.


Thing is you are too obsessed with your friends and you are asking the same favor in return. Sorry but not all of us can give you the same thing since we are all different. You gotta consider our wants and needs too, not just your own. Plus, some of us are caught up with other responsibilities in life.


And hate to say this but you aren't my responsibility. And it's super clear that you're just one of my friend not a best friend or closer friends or anything more than that. PERIOD.


Also, I only lie and make excuses to people who are very hard headed even if you told them many times the truth or you already had thrown in hints.


Sorry but I can never be your friend anymore. You're the one who ruined it in the beginning. Not me. I already forgave you many times and gave you chances but you never learn to respect others' boundaries. I'm sorry but that's just it.




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