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Dear Anonymous...

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Dear anonymous,

If u werent there cheering for me, I'd never won even if I'm the best champion on world,

Thanks for coming, & I love you,

Thanks again ,,

Yours, Your only one stupid rose,

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Dear anonymous ...

I want so much you to tell me everything, I mean, I want so much to help you, I do not know, but I worry about you, how you care about me, you helped me at all, and I also want to help. .. but I'll never know the problems, because it seems simple to you .. I just wanted to talk to you all ..

Signed anonymous

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Dear Anonymous

I'm sorry but can't post now.

I need to take a bath, eat some food, instead of candy, and clean my room..

Signed Yours truly Hano/Hejle

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Dear Anonymous(es),

This happens every year: People make their own conclusions about me.

And you know what? I don't actually care about them or their conclusions for that matter.

I'm still me.

It doesn't make sense for you people to judge others based upon:

What they wear

Their hair color (Now THAT's just plain stupid.)

What they believe in

Their grades and ranking

What they eat for lunch (What the heck?)

What their pencil case (or anything like that) look like

Whether they spend their free time doing 'strange' things like writing and talking to friends on an online forum

Normal people do NOT make random judgements based on all those randomly stupid points that you thought up of.

Please leave me alone.

And you, random middle schooler on the bus; I do actually smile. Just NOT at you. Cuz you bug the heck out of me.

Signed, Anonymous.

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Dear Anonymous,

Teenage romance. Teenage. Romance.

You are seven. S-E-V-E-N, seven. SEVEN. You should be watching Barney (minus the episode where he swore and got fired) and DragonTales and all those little kid shows that they have today.

Not TEENAGE ROMANCE. What in the world has gotten in your head that you like hanging around teenagers and watching teen movies and watching as people kiss? What the heck? You lost your innocence earlier than I did!

*sighs* I don't get you. And no, you don't have 2 boyfriends, esp. one who's 42 and you've only seen on television.

Signed, Your Older (and very concerned) SIster


Dear Anonymous,

Please kindly explain why you ride horses when you have allergies to them.

Signed, Jean.

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Dear Anonymous,

Teenage romance. Teenage. Romance.

You are seven. S-E-V-E-N, seven. SEVEN. You should be watching Barney (minus the episode where he swore and got fired) and DragonTales and all those little kid shows that they have today.

Not TEENAGE ROMANCE. What in the world has gotten in your head that you like hanging around teenagers and watching teen movies and watching as people kiss? What the heck? You lost your innocence earlier than I did!

*sighs* I don't get you. And no, you don't have 2 boyfriends, esp. one who's 42 and you've only seen on television.

Signed, Your Older (and very concerned) SIster


Dear Anonymous,

Please kindly explain why you ride horses when you have allergies to them.

Signed, Jean.

Your life is so cool and interesting LMAO.

I agree. I was watching sesame street and Arthur when I was 7.. xD.

It's frightening that kids age so fast now..

Dear Anonymous,

You've changed into the girl you said you'd never be, i guess it really is true when they say high school will change you..

Signed, Ryuuji

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Dear Ex,

What the heck?!



Dear Other Ex,




Dear Both of you,

You guys actually asked the same questions.

What are you up to?

I am living in peace now.



Edited by Patronus Charm

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Dear anonymous,

You're annoying. Stop sneaking into my mind and turning everything upside-down. Honestly, once is enough for me.

Please get out of my mind.

Thank you.


Signed, me.

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