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Dear Anonymous...

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Dear Anonymous,

...What happened? Last year I admired you for certain qualities. But this year...

What happened? You've changed. Your personality...it's the same. But everything about what you do...whether it's putting on makeup or wearing earrings, it's different. I liked you the natural way better. Right now it looks like you...

Never mind. But please. Go back to the way it used to be. This isn't like you. I don't want it to be like you. There's no need to be popular -- it'll all disperse when we graduate. You can't put on your college resume "Was the most popular kid in school."

Natural was better.

~ Jean

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Dear Anonymous,

Ha. Sure. You don't lie. Really. I believe you. Totally. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and you lied to me. I'll never be able to fully trust you again. Not that I really ever did.

- Jean

Dear Anonymous,

You baka. You stupid, stupid baka. You have no courage at all. Or do you? You made that stupid mistake. Stupid. I don't care how much you wanted it...you shouldn't have. It doesn't matter if it was amazing. You shouldn't have and you know it. You baka.

Signed, Yourself. Who else?

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Dear Childhood Friend,

Am I nothing to you? not even a friend? all the times you've cried, you've needed someone I was there.. when we both had relationship problems, we'd talk to each other about it. am I just your back up person...?

Signed, A very confused Anonymous. :-?

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Dear friend,

First and foremost, I am not responsible for your irresponsibility. You've been depending too much on me lately. You keep owing me money and you always borrow my TEXTbooks. We're on the same class!i If I lend you mine, how will I be able to participate in class? I've also noticed that you're copying my math homework without my permission. Don't think you can do that freely becaue you're my friend. You are being selfish and unreasonable. Please change.


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Dear Anonymous,


Why is it that every single time I think of things that way...somehow you turn it all around?

Why is it that you can read my emotions perfectly and know exactly how to make me smile?

Why is it that when I even contemplate that thought you show me that I should keep grasping onto hope?


I don't deserve any of it.

But I shouldn't be complaining. So..thank you. Thank you, God.

~ Jean


Dear Those of You Who Thought I Was Writing This to Someone Else,

:rolleyes: Do I look like the type who writes love letters? And even if I did, do you honestly think I'd post them here for the world to see?

~ IdentityUnknown

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Dear Anonymous,

You've made my friend cry this afternoon. The guidance counselor gave both of you the rest of the afternoon to straight things out.

Guess what you did? You treated her like you've never known her at all and like she's some kind of garbage.

My friend asked you why you're treating her like that. You said you got tired of her.

Are you the kind of person who'd just toss the people close to you away because you're tired of them? If I knew sooner, I wouldn't bother with you anymore. I'm in search of a friend, not somebody who'd just throw me away after their done playing with me.


P. S. I'm waiting.

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Dear Anonymous(es),

...You're kidding me.

Shoes. S-H-O-E-S shoes. The kind you put on your feet and walk around in. A little less than a thousand dollars.


I'm a girl and my gender is supposed to be famous for our extravagance in shoes (excluding me, I had holes in my old pair, but I'm an oddball anyways). Even the most insane girl would not buy a pair of shoes that are worth a little less than $1000.

And think about it! All they do is light up! Sure, some people will ooh and aah, but the chances are, most people will pass on in life not noticing and not caring.


Shoes. You're kidding me. Shoes. Even BK is smarter than that. Shoes.

This just confirms my belief about popular guys.

~ Jean

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Dear Anonymous,

Even my friend who thinks I go on DCW too much would agree with me that going online and staring over sneakers every single day in Math class is worse.

At least you're not interested in sneakers worth $1000.

~ Jean

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Dear Anonymous,


Why is it that every single time I think of things that way...somehow you turn it all around?

Why is it that you can read my emotions perfectly and know exactly how to make me smile?

Why is it that when I even contemplate that thought you show me that I should keep grasping onto hope?


I don't deserve any of it.

But I shouldn't be complaining. So..thank you. Thank you, God.

~ Jean


Dear Those of You Who Thought I Was Writing This to Someone Else,

:rolleyes: Do I look like the type who writes love letters? And even if I did, do you honestly think I'd post them here for the world to see?

~ IdentityUnknown

I should start writing one of these soon ^

EDIT: You addressed it to God, right?

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Dear Anonymous,


Why is it that every single time I think of things that way...somehow you turn it all around?

Why is it that you can read my emotions perfectly and know exactly how to make me smile?

Why is it that when I even contemplate that thought you show me that I should keep grasping onto hope?


I don't deserve any of it.

But I shouldn't be complaining. So..thank you. Thank you, God.

~ Jean


Dear Those of You Who Thought I Was Writing This to Someone Else,

:rolleyes: Do I look like the type who writes love letters? And even if I did, do you honestly think I'd post them here for the world to see?

~ IdentityUnknown

Precisely why I didn't make any comments about this after reading it and before you edited and added the second part in :P it doesn't sound like a love letter for mark at all :P so don't worry :P

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Precisely why I didn't make any comments about this after reading it and before you edited and added the second part in :P it doesn't sound like a love letter for mark at all :P so don't worry :P

*points at Sam* That's what she thought before I edited it.

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