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Dear Anonymous...

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Dear anonymous,


You have an elimination test tomorrow. You should be reviewing, not frolicking and wasting your time on social media that'll probably get you nowhere. STUDY.


- me

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Dear Anonymous,


I know I suck at replying to e-mails but the site is being even more difficult even though I'm already a day late to replying :<



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Dear anonymous,

Hmmmm.... You love playing mind games, don't you?

You already knew about things and by saying that, you know what I'm gonna say in reply, am I not right?

I dunno what you are trying to do or why you are trying to do this but I swear I'll really be more careful, now.




Dear anonymous,

*sigh* Forgive me, if I have done something wrong. Even though, I have really no idea of what you were talking about.




Dear anonymous,

I have started, already. It seems a pretty hard goal but I know that I can finish it. I just need the full cooperation of luck, motivation and time.



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Dear anonymous,

I wish you good luck :D



Dear Anonymous,

Thank you so much for ... Everything!! :) I hope you don't change your mind about me. It's not my fault. Society fault.

Signed,your .. "Almost" twin

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Dear Anon,

You told me something that's supposed to be full of confusion and insecurity so casually... To this day, I still wonder if it was a joke.




If it was a joke, that was cruel. Very cruel.

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Dear anonymous,

I'm so nervous of what might happen...

Everything can go wrong in a minute.




Dear anonymous,

*sigh* You're forcing me to do something that I don't wanna do...

The thing is, it's a waste of time and money but you just won't listen.

You always think that you are on the right side... and you still treat me like a kid who knows nothing.

You really never trusted me.



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Dear Anonymous,




I'm sorry I keep screwing up.


I'm sorry I care.


So yeah, maybe I worry too much about you.


But you're the type of person who insists they're fine when they're not. You're stubborn and prideful. You never want to show weakness or vulnerability, you keep up a front. You think you're invincible, that nothing's impossible and yeah, maybe yeah, if you put your mind to it yeah, but you don't care if you destroy yourself in the process.


You're the type of girl who will ignore a sprained ankle. You're the type of girl who refuses to go see the doctor. You're the type of girl who will pretend and pretend and pretend and guess what I did that, I do that, not the way you do but I get it, I get it, I get it, but do you know how terrible it is to see someone doing that to themselves? Please, just for a moment can you just try to see it from my perspective, how terrible it feels that I sit here and can't do anything, not a single thing to help you? That I'm afraid I'm clingy and overprotective and a worry wart but at the same time, at the same time I love you and care about you and you're my friend and I'm nervous that one day you'll take a chance that's a little too big and you'll end up in a mess that's a little too big and...


Maybe I worry too much. You're smart and intelligent and generally know your limits, don't you? I should trust you...I should, and I know you hate it when I worry, but...


Please just take care of yourself.


~ a friend ?

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Dear anonymous,

I see that you still have to improve on lots of sides of things.

I ain't wanting you to change or something because I just want to....

Rather, it's really for your own sake not mine.




P.S. Not trying to Judge you, either...


Dear anonymous,

Nyah... Allow me to start doing it, again, please?



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Dear Anon,


I will love you forever and ever, so be warned.

I will continue to tickle-torture you until the end of your days.



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