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Dear Anonymous...

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Dear anons,

*sigh* I wish I have never met you all at all. I really ruined everything.

I really imagined everything would have been a lot better if I never met you, guys. I'm really a walking disaster. Heaven really hates me..? Doesn't it?



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Dear Anonymous,

I do respect you,even if you left me many times. I do respect that too.

You know,I don't and won't hate you.


I hope you never would leave me or this group.


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Dear anon,


You've been kinda a prick lately. If you're mad at me could you at least say why. Your passive aggressive posts are just getting old really quickly. 





Dear anonymous,


--I'm so sorry! I never hear the little chat ping over my music and I feel terrirble I'm not ignoring you i swea r ; ; ; ;; ; ; ;;;;;; 



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Dear anon,

How can you get so attached easily with people...? O.o

*sigh* I'm really sorry but things aren't just mutual.




Dear anon,

It's really been a year and yeah, just stop lying and making excuses. Tell me straight that you don't wanna do what I asked you to do :V



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Dear anons,


I don't know you guys hear when I open my mouth--that is if you hear anything at all, but it's very evident neither of you are actually listening. I know a lot of the things I spout off are drivel solely being said to take up space so there's no awkward silence but I'd like to be heard occasionally. ya feel me?






Dear other anons,


I dunno when I'll see you guys next but we have to do something cool. It's getting warmer so maybe we could do something outside


--also me

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Dear anons,


I'm absolutely terrible to hold a conversation with i'M sorr y 

I don't dislike you I just ,, , , , , ,, , , im srry I'll respond to all of you now


--me  -_-

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Dear anon,

Hard earned money feels so good T__T




Dear anon,

Huehuehue. Just like the ol' times, huh? :D




Dear anon,

I know what you are trying to do.

Well, You. just. made. the wrongest mistake in your life.

Respectfully yours,


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Dear anon, 


You seem really nice I feel really bad we couldn't become better friends! I'll have to get into contact with you sometime soon. 2016's nearing so any hopes of befriending you have a time limit. I'll get on that, I just hope the conversations won't end in awkward silences like they usually do. Hmm... I hope your facebook has some of your interests listed so I'll get an idea of what to talk to you about..


--kid you shared freshman year algebra with

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Dear anonymous,


I sent you a thing but it's been quite a while....

Tumblr probably ate it again didn't it?

hmm.... I need a better way to contact you since tumblr's unreliable and you're not even that active there anymore orz


--fellow nerd


Dear anonymous,


I don't know you that well much at all, we're mutuals at best to be blunt. However, you seem like you've been down a lot and have been through some stuff, if you need to vent/blow off some steam I'm more than fine with that! I'm bad with words but I'll offer whatever support I can and if you'd like some baby animal pictures and random funny videos to cheer you up, I'm your guy. 


you'll be ok dude

--your quietly supportive acquaintance 

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