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Dear Anonymous...

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Dear Anonymous,

You're sick. Is just apologize?

I'm still angry. You despise people. Although, you already did that to me.

I never thought that I would dislike you so much. And still have the anger.


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Dear anonymous, 


You really need to stop leaving the door open and unattended. The cat's gotten out 4 times just in the past couple months we've lived here. I know the floor plan's pretty different than our old house which is why we're not as used to there before more opportunities for the cat to sneak outside but you're actually leaving the door wide open and leaving. We're lucky she doesn't bolt the second she sees one of us cautiously walking towards her with hopes of scooping her up and bringing her back inside. Now when she hears a door open she trots away excitedly in that direction. She's not going to come back one of these times....


--concerned cat parent

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Dear Anon,

Um yeah, I'll be keeping a good 10-feet radius away from you for another couple of weeks. You are certainly one of "those people" who get all weird after taking Health.




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Dear anonymous,


I know we never really got that close but thank you thank you thank you! You didn't have to get me a souvenir. It's so cute--I really like it! now I just have to find somewhere to put a keychain.... Judging by the rest of the things you showed us and told us about, I'm glad your trip to Italy was nice! I just hope you'll be able to fix your sleep schedule come school tomorrow morning haha

Ah.. now I've got a bad case of wanderlust



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Dear anonymous, 


Please tell me your getting some kind of help or medication for your anxiety--you're going to miss out on so many things if you don't get something. I want you to be able to fondly look back on memories of you experiencing crazy things you had to step a little bit out of your comfort zone for. I don't want you to regret passing so many things up


-- ;-----;


Dear anon,




-- actually kinda upset

hAHA :^D

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Dear anonymous-es


thanks so much...! all ur hardwork.. it loks amazing.. :)



Dear anonymous


Get well soon.. and u know what to do with the peeps who irritate you.. ;)



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Dear anonymous, 


plz.. plz do not. plz stop talking






Dear anons,


Please tell me you'll all or at least most of you will be free the weekend of the 22nd 

please please please please please please 


--also me

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Dear anonymous,


I'm really sorry. . .. . . . I'm not punctual at all and knowing I can't be more than 20 minutes late just makes it really easy in my head to jump over the obstacle of "oh missing one day won't get me too far behind" and then before I know it I'm like an entire week and a half behind.


I. . . .. I'm sorry... sleeping in's just a really good feeling especially when one doesn't really deserve to sleep in


please don't dislike me too much

and am I still going to move ahead one class too btw.... .. . I'd like to know soon since the next class after your's seems... I'd rather not take it if I don't have to


--signed, a good student with a bad sleep schedule

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