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Dear Anonymous...

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Dear anon,

Thanks Haha :D

So comforting :')






Dear anon,

Don't worry bruh. You'll make it through. I've been there and I know how the heck it feels like.

Parents can never get angry that long. Don't worry :D






Dear anon,

Meh, he'll probably not join.

Plus, I've got no money right now. Sorry for lying :P



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Dear anon,


I've had the biggest squish on you for the past like 18 months 


I'm gonna befriend you one of these days... hopefully


-- ur kouhai




Dear anonymous,


I'd appreciate it if you didn't mock my anxiety 

yeah? yeah...



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  On 5/17/2015 at 1:31 AM, machine said:

Dear anon,


I've had the biggest squish on you for the past like 18 months 


I'm gonna befriend you one of these days... hopefully


-- ur kouhai


I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist.

In all seriousness though, good luck with your squish!

why squish??

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  On 5/17/2015 at 2:19 AM, Akazora said:


I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist.

In all seriousness though, good luck with your squish!

why squish??


man I forgot how much I missed those gifs

Thank you! tumblr_m42roa5rGE1r58lid.gif

(and a squish is essentially just a platonic/friend crush)

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  On 5/17/2015 at 5:24 AM, machine said:

man I forgot how much I missed those gifs

Thank you! tumblr_m42roa5rGE1r58lid.gif

(and a squish is essentially just a platonic/friend crush)


Ohhh mhmhm, I get it now, haha. Well, you learn new things every day.

And no problem!

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  On 5/21/2015 at 12:00 AM, machine said:

Dear anon,


plz talk to me 

we have such strong platonic tension please say you've noticed it too




(Unless you talk to him first!  Hopefully the weather's been either really good or really bad...)

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  On 5/21/2015 at 2:52 AM, Akazora said:


(Unless you talk to him first!  Hopefully the weather's been either really good or really bad...)




(It's a different senpai though tumblr_m42rkuCJ4W1r58lid.gif and is the one I have a better chance of befriending I've already talked to them a couple times too but now it's that awkward dry spell period between conversations while still being acquaintances )  

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  On 5/21/2015 at 3:25 AM, machine said:



(It's a different senpai though tumblr_m42rkuCJ4W1r58lid.gif and is the one I have a better chance of befriending I've already talked to them a couple times too but now it's that awkward dry spell period between conversations while still being acquaintances )  

Ah, I see.  Well then, I'm not the best at giving advice like this, because I'm a bumbling fool myself, so the most I can do is wish you luck.  Just hope you two share some common interests or something, and maybe you'll hit it off when the stars align.  Ooooorrrr, you could just find a new senpai.


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  On 5/21/2015 at 3:35 AM, Akazora said:

Ah, I see.  Well then, I'm not the best at giving advice like this, because I'm a bumbling fool myself, so the most I can do is wish you luck.  Just hope you two share some common interests or something, and maybe you'll hit it off when the stars align.  Ooooorrrr, you could just find a new senpai.



I got like 5 senpais so if this doesn't work out I got backups

We have a few things in common and it seems we're both equally bad in conversations tootumblr_m42quperIZ1r58lid.jpg I'm just waiting for them to tweet something I can comment on without it being weird 

And thank you btw! 

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  On 5/22/2015 at 3:46 AM, machine said:

I got like 5 senpais so if this doesn't work out I got backups

We have a few things in common and it seems we're both equally bad in conversations tootumblr_m42quperIZ1r58lid.jpg I'm just waiting for them to tweet something I can comment on without it being weird 

And thank you btw! 

Psshhht, I once had like, 7 senpais, one for each day of the week.

Haha, no problem!

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Dear anon,

What the heck is your problem with him? :V :V

Can't you see that he isn't bothering you anymore and trying to ignore you? You really like drama, don't you? Get over it, already. Please.



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My long-awaited chance..huh

Dear anon

I think the meaning of friendship was nothing to you

If it was/is, then why you listened to whom you know for less than a year?

Is studies everything to determine the capability of a person?

It hurts me still, when I look back at those years

When we talked, laughed, teased each other like,

We won't split like now

But it won't hurt you, 'cause studies and studies what you do

Like any machine

I don't hate you, or curse you

I just want to ignore you

As if you've never existed

And end this 6 months drama of becoming nostalgic and crying


Your ignored 'friend' :mellow:

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Dear Love of My Life,


Sorry, I'm afraid the person to whom this is addressed to has caught too much of the lurkers' attention.



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Dear anons, 


H-hey remember middle school? --No? Me... me neither.. . . . hah, , , nevermind...   :rolleyes:





Dear anonymous,


I know I literally haven't talked to you in.. christ almost 10 years now but, long story short, I still have your birthday and favorite color and other pointless things about you down pat. And from what I've heard through the grapevine you went through a crappy time a couple years ago--I went through a crappy time a couple years ago maybe we could just talk or something....? There's no way you can still hold any negative feelings towards me right? I digress, hit me up, we should catch up considering we did spend a good chunk of our young childhood together. accept my facebook friend request dammit


--the annoying kid that lived behind you 

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