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Dear Anonymous...

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  On 7/9/2015 at 10:32 AM, Nara-chan said:

Dear Anon,




That's the sound of me leaving your life.



Dear not so anonymous,


Your profile picture has finally been fixed.

Thank you, my OCD was killing me.



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Dear anon,

Never worry. I'll bear with you till the end.

I promise to you that I'll be always loyal as long as you don't go reaching for the exit.






Dear anon,

I hope for more :)



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Dear anons,


You're both very considerate and despite not really expressing it I appreciate it a lot. Being that I'm an anxious being of crap and not good with words I'm gonna thank you here in the vaguest way possible so thank you! ;--; I hope you're having a nice summer break btw




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Dear anonymous, 


I hope you don't have too high of expectations for me because we're only one week in and I can already tell that this class is going to become something I wholeheartedly dread very, very soon. 


--your soon to be very stressed student 

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Dear sister,

There are so many things I want to tell you.

You've missed so much, I've missed so much. There's everything I need to tell you, there's nothing I need to tell you.

I'd give anything to see you, to talk to you.

But even that request was cruelly wrenched from me, impossible to fulfill.

A bitter aftertaste this leaves me.

This place is full of my naivety, my foolishness, my immaturity. It is full of regrets, guilt, angst, despair.

Human life is such a fragile thing.

I remember so often wishing it was a nightmare, a joke.

But he wouldn't joke about such a serious thing.

Please don't worry. I live happily, but I still remember you. I still remember our joy of being with each other, the joy of seeing the unread notification symbol.

And I will remember it.

Thank you, my dear sister.

- Me

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Dear cat anonymous,


We've been over this; one of these times you're gonna lose your favorite mouse for good and we'll never get it back. It already happened once but we had an extra but after this one you're outta luck. Tread carefully small furry one



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Dear J,


"Dear"? Well, that's just a formality.


We chat often. We filled up the group chat with absolute nonsense. Thirty-six thousand messages of teasing, back-and-forth cursing (well, for you), being high, and generally being friends.




I'm not actually sure. You don't talk to me much in real life. You have your own little group of gamers that I'd never fit in with.


But I care.


You said you wanted to die.


As if no one would miss you.


I would.



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Dear anon,

*sigh* I'm the one who is scared that in the end I might just lose it and stop.

I really hope that never happens, though.






Dear anon,

You're trolling me again, aren't you?

At what crap are you throwing me at again? :V



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Dear anon, 


I'm really dense and overall pretty stupid. I'm well aware; just bear with me. In like 3 years I'll probably be at least somewhat smarter. 






Dear other anon, 


ahhh h h h you're really nice;;;;


--still me




Dear other other anon,


Making plans 3 and 7 months in advance is probably not our smartest idea. Especially since we're already hyped yet don't even know if we'll be in town/free when those dates roll around but screw it, I'm lookin' forward to it already. hope this doesn't fall through the cracks and that I'll get to see you guys before then since I haven't seen you guys since late May


--that kid you're still friends with for some reason

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If anyone reads that, they probably think I have a split personality or some serious mental issues.

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Dear anon(s),


I don't know which one of you it is, but it's almost October, please stop with the fireworks or whatever it is you're doing. Feeling my entire house shake isn't a good experience and upsets my cat


--occasionally anxious neighbor

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Dear anonymous, 


My condolences go out to you and your family. I hope you'll all be given adequate time to grieve.


--former classmate



Dear anon,


Please keep your self-centered, harmful ideologies between you and your friends in private. You're in public; you never know just who will overhear you. You're an adult, you should be aware of this by now.


--the coincidentally queer kid sitting 5 feet away

just because my headphones are in doesn't mean I don't hear you


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Dear anons, 


Things aren't looking too well at the moment but I'll try to fix things as soon as possible. I had a feeling this would happen so I apologize for trying to act like this happening wasn't a possibility. I'll see what I can do, hopefully we'll still be able to make plans for the end of the month.




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