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Dear Anonymous...

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Dear Mom and Dad,

Stop acting like children.


Dear oldest brother,

Stop being so selfish.


Dear older brother,

Stop acting like you're the only person on earth


Dear Faye,




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Dear Anonymous.

You're my best friend. My twin sister. I love you.

But sometimes you do things that makes me hate you.



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Dear Anonymous,

I think of you as a friend. A good friend at that.

If you need any help, you know that you can ask me to help you. You know that I'll help you NO MATTER WHAT.

If I see candy at the Dragon Shop, I will always get some for you.

Yes, it's my fault. Yes, I should've gotten some more.

I hope you realize that I try my best to put you as close to second priority as possible.

God is my first priority. You are the next.

My achievement and grades are after you. If this helps, those two bakas are after that.

Sometimes, I think that you make the wrong choices.

I asked you repeatedly if you believe in God, or Jesus.

You never give me a proper answer.

I pray for you, those idiots and Mum & Dad every night. And grandpa and grandma too.

Don't you hope that grandpa will be discharged from the hospital without any complications?

Don't you hope that Mark Mark will heal from his fracture soon?

And one more thing.

I am very proud of your achievement for Karate class.

Let me say that again. I am very, very proud of you.

I know that you think that I feel bad when the Shifu proclaims, 'M, you do so much better than your sister!!'

I can't deny that I've had that feeling of resentment. It is that which I show out.

But... you don't know that I secretly feel very glad that you're doing well.

'the three bakas combined into one and girl version'

the 'Misaki and Ran wannabe'.

Hahaha. Very cool.

Do these names up there ring a familiar bell?

I hope so.

You and those two bakas have been calling me this for, lemme count, 2 weeks now.

I can't say that I don't mind it.

And you do know that I can take these names to heart.

I'm telling you that I despise those two bakas.

You know it used to be the other way around.

I see how they insult me and hurt me so often.

You, not so much on the other hand.

I hope that things will be better between us two.

Go have fun for these two years. You won't regret it.

I wish that your next 10 years of study will be successful.

That includes this year, next year, the years of high school and the years of college.

I support you.


your older sister.

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Dear Anonymous,

You asked me who the hell do I think I am.... ?

At that moment, I just wanted to laugh out loud and tell you one thing...

"I can be both God and The Devil, since I'm trying to raise the dead against the stream of time...

But today....



Your so called "son"

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Dear Anonymous

I can't believe I'm writing to you. I have tons of people to write to. I don't even have that much time on my hands.

I know that you're good in acting; in fact, the entire school knows that.

There's no need to repeat yourself.

You're a celebrity. I won't be shocked to find you acting, directing, singing or starring in a movie less than 10 years from now.

You with the ego-

I have just ONE thing to request from you.

I'd like to request that you will stop it with the Anti-Christian comments.

The pope is NOT the head of Christianity. Christ is, obviously.

I really don't understand why you hate the entire idea of 'God'.

Also, He exists not because I want Him to exist, but that He was already there from the very beginning.

You HAVE to know that.

Otherwise, everything else is fine.

I can't believe you moved away from Hong Kong.

Hope you enjoy your time in New York.

Make lots of friends. Act. Sing.

Thanks for introducing me to the popular team.

It was great to have you as a classmate. Eighth grade was fun to say the least.

I'll miss you, great rival.

~ Your ex-classmate

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Dear Anonymous,

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to blow up at you.

Now that I think about it, it's kinda stupid, why I did.

It's just... I'm sick of people talking behind my back. Especially if it's IN FRONT OF ME.

"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all."

I want to be friends, I really do...


Please stop. Thank you.


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Dear Anonymous,

I've been looking at your pictures online and I realized how much I miss you.

I started crying while looking at them.

You looked really happy.

I wish I could be as happy as you.

I know how much I hurt you.

I wish I watched my words.

Remember that I still love you and I will never get tired of loving you.

I hope we could still be friends.

Because until now,you are still my best friend even if you already got tons of new best friends. Even better than me.

I really hope to see you soon.


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Dear Anonymous,

Do not wake me up 15 minutes after I fall asleep, ever again.

...What? You want to download that?

...Alright. Feel free to wake me up if you're going to download something similar tomorrow. But you're paying for it.

Sincerely, Jean

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Dear Anonymous,

Please go jump off a bridge. And bring all your buddies with you too.

Signed, the girl you insulted just a few months back

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Dear anonymouses (several anonymous people),

Why is it always me that you choose? Why is it always me you hurt? Why is it that we can never be together? Why is it that you always make excuses? Why is it that you always leave me in the corner, all alone, to watch you walk off with someone else? Why me?


A girl with a heart broken too many times

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Dear Anonymous,

Is me being perfect all you really want? It feels like it. Is perfection all I was made to do? I can see why you'd hope for me to be so. But I'm not. I've spent my entire life trying to fulfill that dream of yours, but I can't do it. I'm sorry. It's not within my ability.

I know that you feel like you have my best interests at heart. But sometimes I feel I never really had much of a childhood...like I was forced to grow up too quickly. Even when I think about it...did I really ever have a moment when I felt like I was having a lot of fun, a feeling that I wouldn't forget? I don't think so. I really don't. Sure, there were times when I was relaxed, times when I felt good, but...I forgot those easily.

I'm really grateful for you. Really, I am, even though at times it may not seem like it. Can't you, for once, be grateful for me?

Signed, Your Daughter

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