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Dear Anonymous...

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Dear Anonymous,

I never expected you to be wonderful. I'm not delusional, I'm simply stating that you need to stop pitying yourself and focusing on your bad points and start doing something because sitting there is useless.

~ Anonymous

Dear Anonymous,

Really? I can't leave you for a minute? I'm not allowed to close my bedroom door anymore? Are you really that dependent on me?

~ Jean

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Dear Anonymous,

...Do you know how many people would be devastated if you did that? Everyone is worth something in this world and everyone can make a difference, even if it is only to one person's life. Don't go around saying that. Suicide is the cheater's way to escape -- but in the end, they find it worthless.

~ Anonoymous

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Dear Anonymous User, LOL

From now on, I'm going to get a life. I'm fed up of all this. There is no point in sacrificing my life because of this. Therefore, thanks for everything, for the memories shared, for the happiness I felt because of you. But I have to give this up. Don't think bad of me for it. You taught me a lot; now I have to apply what I've learned. I wish I could have learned more from you, but I think this is enough already. You'll always be a part of my life and I'll never forget you. Bye.


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  On 10/23/2011 at 2:47 PM, IdentityUnknown said:

Dear Anonymous,

...All I can say is wow. History repeats itself.

~ Anonymous

Dear Anonymous,

Yup. :V



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