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Detective Conan World

Dear Anonymous...

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Dear beloved anonymous,

its alright, everyone make mistakes, some are huge, small... and maybe some are unfogiveable,

everyone do them, even me in fact I do 'em every second, no problem.


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dear anonymous



signed, sai-chan.


dear anonymous,

theres a rose that didnt bloom, *points to a mirror*

signed, lily.


dear anonymous,

I'm crying like always,honey. I'm just listening to some music, crying, suffering each minute and just missing you. missing your husgs, your words, your cold attitude, your warm arms, your bright smile,your blonde hair, everything. forgive me for crying while talking to you....

I'm-- glad to hear your voice again, so, how's life in canada? *tries to smile*

signed, your bff who-will-love-you-forever.

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Dear Anonymous

Please, explain why I was mentioned in a thread that I never posted in. :mellow:

Thank you in advanced.



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