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Dear Anonymous...

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  On 8/31/2011 at 9:53 AM, IdentityUnknown said:

*shrugs* I don't want any of my friends to get hurt. She's not even a really close friend of mine, but I'd support her through anything.

Dear Anonymous,

My friend just put her heart in your hands. Don't break it.

Signed, Anonymous

:) Nice... still. :)

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Dear Anonymous,

I feel so appreciated now. Being called stupid for not doing something I was ever required to do and having accomplishments smacked in the face. I feel really grateful now. Really.

Signed, Anonymous

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Dear anonymous,

I'm sure you might think that from the way I act I'm an immature kid who knows nothing much to life than just being happy... I assure you that that is not the case. You might want to understand that I just don't feel comfortable sharing the mature side of me.

Signed, me.

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Dear Faye,

Be strong...

Do not lose your hope...

It may not be your time yet but I am sure it will come someday...

Just be patient...

And remember that Prayer changes things...


The person who keeps you standing still

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Dear anonymous ...

I wanted at least there is honesty between people, I mean, do not hide things, I know that sometimes speaking the truth, sometimes it can hurt a person, but it never hurts to tell the truth the moment, not when take advantage of a person..

Signed ........ Nur

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  On 9/1/2011 at 3:27 AM, Misaki-chan said:

Dear brain,

Please stop coming up with great ideas and then making it hard for me to finish it.




  On 9/1/2011 at 3:33 AM, Nur M. said:

Dear anonymous ...

I wanted at least there is honesty between people, I mean, do not hide things, I know that sometimes speaking the truth, sometimes it can hurt a person, but it never hurts to tell the truth the moment, not when take advantage of a person..

Signed ........ Nur


Dear Anonymous,

I'd rather have the hard truth than a comforting lie. Sure, at first I may feel better with a lie, but eventually the truth comes out and I just feel more hurt. So...don't be afraid to hide something because you think it'll hurt me because I'll just end up broken if you do.

Signed, Anonymous

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  On 9/1/2011 at 3:41 AM, IdentityUnknown said:


Glad to make you laugh. *tips hat*

Dear everyone,

I have made up a new word. GLAGNADARF (gu-lahg-nah-darh-fh). Hope you smiled. ;)



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  On 9/1/2011 at 3:41 AM, IdentityUnknown said:


Dear Anonymous,

I'd rather have the hard truth than a comforting lie. Sure, at first I may feel better with a lie, but eventually the truth comes out and I just feel more hurt. So...don't be afraid to hide something because you think it'll hurt me because I'll just end up broken if you do.

Signed, Anonymous

I just do not like when a friend starts to get false friendship and want it back ... It just wants to enjoy the friendship and as if this were not important ... Dear anonymous ...

I would like both to be near you,or talk with you, I can not sleep AGAIN >.<


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Dear Anonymous

All of you are talented, but I can't tip you.

After all, we're in school.

Please keep the noise level down. We're outside the library.



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Dear anonymous,

I admire the fact you're trying. If trying, of course, means coming over to my apartment every day and getting answers and what not.

Just a note, I won't be home on Saturday, so don't come then.


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