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Dear Anonymous...

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Dear Anonymous,

How dare you.

I'd like to slap you in the face. Or preferably, beat you into pulp.

Not that that's likely to happen, but I can still dream.

Do you know how happy she was? It was the first time I genuinely saw her smile. I was so happy for her.

I hate you. Hate you. Hate you for making someone happy and ending up as the reason that they're trying to put up a brave front to the world.

~ Anonymous

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Dear Anonymous,

It might be forever before you hear my voice again. This one, here in my heart. You'll hear, with your ears, my physical voice, when I say good morning and ask for help. When I tell you they my week was fine, and that I'm doing alright. When I ask you how your day went, when I smile awkwardly because that's all I know how to do. I know you mean well. I had took a whole day to write you one day, but I couldn't send you the note. And it seems that I missed out when you gave me my last chance. I don't think you'll ever receive it. I'm sorry that I couldn't tear down my wall enough. I'm sorry that I assumed that somehow you already knew my happiness and that I could never put it into words. The only thing that I could share with you was my pain, and I never found words to explain my happiness. That must've hurt you, right? I apologize. Please understand, though, that I don't trust easily. Don't take me for granted. I know you're used to not being around, but soon I won't be either. I'll become an ojou-san before you know it. I'm going to become someone who doesn't cower, someone who doesn't hide, someone who uses their skills. However, if you want to call me 'friend', then you'll have to stop pretending to be mr. cool. I'm not going to chase after you. I won't follow you. I won't ask you for anything. You don't get to deny me my existence without consequence.

Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for coming to my rescue. Thank you for supporting me. Thank you for giving me a time in the fairy tale world that I always wished for. Thank you.

I'm sorry that I was never able to support you the same way. I'm sorry that I never could rescue you. I'm sorry that my kindness was so small. I'm sorry that I didn't brighten your life the same way. I'm sorry.

They say time heals wounds. I don't know how to use that time in any other way, so I'll listen to your words and become better. But.. I'll also forget you. You're just another human being - same as me. No one super special. No one of real importance. For a year. Or until you do something yourself. The box is locked.


The me who exists.

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Dear Secret-Santa recipient,

I apologize for not being able to write a ConAi or ShinShi.

Please don't be too disappointed if KID and Hakuba start to squabble over presents in your gift.


Your Secret Santa

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  On 11/26/2011 at 2:06 PM, Shiraz.BO said:

Dear Anonymous,

Don't fall sick! DX

Well... if you are already sick, then Get well soon!



I cant do anything to stop it D:

anyways, Dear Anonymous,

Why are you RARELY online? :(



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Dear Anonymous,

I wonder... If it had been me instead, would you still have done that ? Of course you would, even though such thing will never happen to me as we live in the same floor, in the same room.

I'm scared.

And it is actually strange of me to be scared. Since it was expected.

I guess I never should have let my guard down in the first place.

Signed, Anonymous.

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Dear anonymous,

Even though you betrayed me--- I mean us, we still love you. We still adore you. We still miss you and want you back.

Don't come back for them, for me.. At the very least.. For me, I'm in a scary awkward stage of my life and I'm alone.... Please help.

Signed, R.R...

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dear anonymous,

can you just... give me the goat and let me take care of it? Please, just don't... don't kill it just for you to have comething to cook on your birthday. Give me the goat. :cry: :cry: :cry: Lest... I'll kidnap it and let it free. :P


~your niece

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