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Dear Anonymous...

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Dear Anonymous,

I typed out a whole entire letter to you but I deleted it. Why? Because I felt uncomfortable typing those words and I feel uncomfortable saying them as well. It was just a way to get my emotions out.

I'll sum it up in one sentence. "It's the holidays."

Just go away. Who in the world chooses to get up early on the holidays when they have a choice otherwise?

~ Jean

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Dear Anonymous,

Do you really think I care? What your kind says is worth about as much as a grain of salt. Really, it's as if you thought that I would get overly excited only to let down because of your lies. *roll eyes* Oh, and leave me out of your idiotic games. Because in my opinion, it can be rather hurtful to some, even if I could give a crap.




Dear anonymous,

Even though I knew it wasn't true and you had nothing to really do with it except for your name being used, the apology was nice. Thanks. :)



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Dear anonymous,

maybe it would have been best to have kept our relationship at a distance. I feel that it's getting worse the more I try to approach it. I'm not going to try now. I'm leaving it up to you. If you finally feel the need to repair our relationship, talk to me. If not, then I don't think I want to make myself feel more miserable.



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Dear anonymous,

Please be careful of the things you say.

This is the net, yes, but even so, there are people who might be greatly affected by the way you express yourself.

You have the right to express yourself, but please do so in the nicest way you can.



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Dear anonymous,

You aren't coming back tomorrow huh? I miss you loads although it's only been a few days since you left home. Thanks for the letter you sent me. I really like it. I wish you can be here but you have more important things to do there in the army. I'll wait for you to come back. Take care and don't work too hard. I miss you. :)


Your sister Rin

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Dear anonymous,

That was sweet of you... :) I love your voice but that makes me just miss you more. Come back soon and make sure you take care of yourself. The last time you're home, you had a sprained hand. <_<

Thank you for that video. :)


Your sister Rin

P.S: How on earth did you get to a computer with an Internet to send me that video? :blink:

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Dear Anonymous,

I want to speak out my true feelings to you...but I'm not sure you would feel the same about me. I've yearned many times to tell you, but my consciousness shy's away every time. Do I not possess the courage to tell you?

Love, Anonymous

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Dear anonymous,

My left hand's fingers are broken so don't expect me to type out the new chapter so quickly. I am typing this with one hand so don't rush me cos I'm rushing myself already. Thanks for your support though. :)


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Dear Anonymous (aka, Geodudes),

. . .

You have at least one attack move. I know it.

And though I love winning...

Could you at least try to beat me and stop using a useless move that is meant to counter an electric-type when I possess no Pokemon that have electric-type moves?


~ Jean

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Dear Anonymous (myself)

Stop feeling sad. You have friends and stop depriving yourself for no reason. You chose this way because you're paranoid and want to think every friends desert you for a reason to think of your birthday less than others. Isn't what you wanted to escape from limelight of your friends' eyes? Your mother told your grandma in advance and you can't get away from the attention. For one thing I agree is birthday is not a big deal, but you're turning 26 years old. If there's no party, the days are still better when friends and relatives remembers your birthday through online and, in real life too. :)Stop being paranoid and remember every future is your present to make best.

From myself.

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