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Detective Conan World

Dear Anonymous...

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Dear Anon,

In Syria now and I feel so alone without you. :mellow: I still remember the times when you used to travel with me and now you are stuck there while I roam the world.

But know that I'll keep my promise. Just hold me to that promise. :unsure:


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Dear anon,

Thanks for spelling it out. <_<

Whatever. She'll know I'm talking about her if you did that. She can be a bit slow sometimes. :twisted:


P.S: Don't tell her. She'll kill me. <_<

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Dear anonymous,

Don't think. You act so adult yet you are still young. Just cos you run around with a bunch of 'cool' people, you think you can act so 'mature'. Not. Stop acting. Stop thinking. Just be you. That is unless you become this ugly, distorted person you are now.


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Dear anonymous,

Dont blame me for your fate. You knew where you were going yet you continued. You have wasted your precious life and so not expect me to cry for you. Because I won't. I'll just tell you to RIP. Have fun in hell heaven.


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