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Dear Anonymous...

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Dear Anonymous,

You still don't understand do you? I don't want you to become like him and I don't want you to become like me.



P.S. It's not natural, that much is very obvious.

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Dear Anonymous,

Cmon, I know, You know and we all know, That you're too young to just fall in love somehow, It's not something you control it, Meaning, If you saw some boy and liked him, don't just start crying because he walked with another girl, Or just because he hold her hand or hug her or something, If you're going to cry like that for such a thing, Girl, It's just the beginning. =\

And The most important thing, Don't Let These Pearls fall because of someone don't deserve them or even one of them.

Signed, Another-Anonymous-That-Hates-&-Loves-You. <3 <\3

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Dear anonymous,

Why did you have to save him? You should just have called the teacher to get him back but no. You just have to let your love for your friends lead you to such dangers.

It has been 4 hours. Why do I have an uneasy feeling? You can't be hurt right?

If you dont return in three more hours, I'm coming back. And this time, I'm never gonna let you out of my sight.


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Dear anonymous,

What on earth should I do with you... :(


Dear teachers,

My class and I are close. Really close. You already seen how we are with each other so why are you still so unaccepting? We don't use each other and we know and love each other completely. :mellow:

This closeness is something that made us more than just a family. We are friends, family, lovers all mixed in one. We follow the characteristics of them as well. So why are you guys thinking we are breaking rules and are disgusting? <_<

You teachers have to open your mind more.

~Your student rep

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Dear you,

Oh come on! The school year is ending but you two!

Im stucked in between of you two.. cant you both end your fight already?!

If i go talk to the other, the other one will be mad at me and vice versa.




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Dear anonymous,

Oh my god... chocolate. Chocolate cake galore! T_T I will EAT IT WITH COFFEE!!!!



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Dear anonymous,

why does it seem to be quiet lately? Ive been gone for 2 weeks, yet, some topics remain untouched..while some have additional 2-3 comments only..


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