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Detective Conan World

DCW Family Chart

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Note: Since I'm trying to compile a master list, please send all your relationships to my email address: xXLel@hotmail.com.

No problem. I just have to figure out all my relatives first.

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UP until now I have just Rose as my twin sis...I anyone wants to be related with me just write :):D:)

The entire DCW is related to each other :D So if you have one family member, you automatically get more relatives that way. XDDDD

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I think AI chan is KKLT's godsister or something...

KKLT has lots of secret lovers. I can't remember them all.

Twin, I am listed as Lia on the master list? Can I still be Lia? Please?

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People, let me say something.

Only worry about your immediate relations (I.e: brothers, sisters, adopted brother and sisters, twins, lovers, parents, and enemies).

Let Jean and me worry about somehow chaining this huge mess together. :V

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People, let me say something.

Only worry about your immediate relations (I.e: brothers, sisters, adopted brother and sisters, twins, lovers, parents, and enemies).

Let Jean and me worry about somehow chaining this huge mess together. :V

...You just have to come when I'm about to go off, don't you?

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