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Detective Conan World

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I love how everyone is so friendly on this site..

Don't see that often nowadays (^_^; )

We're just awesome like that.yociexp106.gif

Hello, and welcome to DCWJFBQ00154070129B.gifyociexpress08.gifyociexp86.gif

I have a bit of advice: Don't be like me and disappear for months the day after you join. JFBQ00125061225b.gif

I'm Sherlock Lupin. I'm a Master Procrastinator and Trickster Extraordinaire, and I'm THE Yoyo & Cici Specialistyociexp88.gif. I have a lovely habit of calling IdentityUnknown Prye instead of Pyre. I suggest you don't do it because it aggravates dear Pyre. Some call me SL, some call me Sherlock, others call me Lupin. Come up with your own name if ya like.icon_e_biggrin.gif

We're not too crazy hereJFBQ00218070525A.gifJFBQ00173070312A.gifyociexp99.gif, and we love DCJFBQ00163070213B.gif.

I'm sure you'll enjoy being friends with usyociexpress01.gif, and if you don't...JFBQ00217070524A.gif

Just kidding~!JFBQ00241070914B.gif We're not trying to scare you away... is it working?yociexp108.gif


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We're just awesome like that.yociexp106.gif

Hello, and welcome to DCWJFBQ00154070129B.gifyociexpress08.gifyociexp86.gif

I have a bit of advice: Don't be like me and disappear for months the day after you join. JFBQ00125061225b.gif

I'm Sherlock Lupin. I'm a Master Procrastinator and Trickster Extraordinaire, and I'm THE Yoyo & Cici Specialistyociexp88.gif. I have a lovely habit of calling IdentityUnknown Prye instead of Pyre. I suggest you don't do it because it aggravates dear Pyre. Some call me SL, some call me Sherlock, others call me Lupin. Come up with your own name if ya like.icon_e_biggrin.gif

We're not too crazy hereJFBQ00218070525A.gifJFBQ00173070312A.gifyociexp99.gif, and we love DCJFBQ00163070213B.gif.

I'm sure you'll enjoy being friends with usyociexpress01.gif, and if you don't...JFBQ00217070524A.gif

Just kidding~!JFBQ00241070914B.gif We're not trying to scare you away... is it working?yociexp108.gif


Aha, what a fun personality you have XD

Oo, and considering this is a DC related site I won't be going anywhere for months, this will probably end up as a normally used tab from now on :o

Also, I go by Kimmosaur, it's my own made word combing dinosaur and my name Kimberly ^_^

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Aha, what a fun personality you have XD

Oo, and considering this is a DC related site I won't be going anywhere for months, this will probably end up as a normally used tab from now on :o

Also, I go by Kimmosaur, it's my own made word combing dinosaur and my name Kimberly ^_^

JFBQ00216070523B.gifGood, cause I don't want anyone to follow me on that one...

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Welcome to DCW! :)

Don't you think Sherlock Lupin is really weird? :P

But konichiwa to you too! I'm Berumotto! 059.gif

Some rules that legally bind you to the mysterious world of DCW:

If you post something and want to add or delete something, just edit it with the button at the end of your post. Don't post multiple times without a repy. We HATE DOUBLE POSTERS! sillyp1.gif Hehe, I'm just kidding! [but seriously... don't do it too much!]

You can add friends and send PMs [private messages] to other members here. You can also post on their profiles !

Maurice is the administrator. He's on vacation right now, so you'll be put down at OUR MERCY... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAcd08785a.gif

You can edit your signature, your about me page and pictures when you click on Edit Your Profile when you're at your profile page. I can show you if you need help. :)

Here are some other things you might want to be aware of.

Well, I think that's all you need to know for the time being, don't wanna... hehe... overwhelm new members.... hehe.... th_085_.gif4412144b.gif

Hehe, have fun here at DCW! Any other questions, feel free to ask ANYONE! [we're nice people.... to a limited extent.] :P967339c1.gif

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Hey!! WELCOME TO DCW!! We're all crazy insane here, so don't mind us!! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!! Unless you are too?? BUT I'M MORE INSANE THAN THE OTHERS!! ...Anyway, nice to meet you!! I'm Akakata, but I was formerly Chelseaj500. But you can call me Chelsea or whatever you want. I have so many nicknames... I was known as DCW's Most Insane Laugher for obvious reasons. Now, though, I'm called DCW's Akako Koizumi!! I'm also an author on FanFiction. I wrote Into the World of Detective Conan. Read it? If so, I hope you liked it!! If not, I hope you do soon!! There's a lot of AWESOME and AMAZING people here, so make sure to talk to them!! Have an AWESOME time here and enjoy your stay... OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!

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TEEHEE, and I thought I was an oddball at school, you guys are MUCH weirder, but being weird is good (;

Weirdos are ORIGINAL. Mhm.

And I've been on similar websites so I think I've got the hang of it ^^

Thanks for the advice Berumotto, and I'll be sure to check out your fanfiction Akakata ;D

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