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Lupin of the Heisei Era

Closest Friends in DCW.

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Ah, that's great! You're still writing? What are you working on? Man, I haven't updated any of my fics in like a bazillion years. XD I mean I still write a lot, but not on FF.

Yeah, I've been back to writing again recently. I'm working on a chapter for Hearing Silence although I've updated Who I Am and added a oneshot somewhere in there (all are DC, Ai-centric, but you know me :D). I also have like.. a chapter for a non-fanfiction story out there on fictionpress... 

People would love a come back, :DD

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*Accepts candy from Ayame-chan* :D

My closest friends would be Ayame-chan (AKA A.Haibara), Raki, and AvatarJayChou. But you will all be under my friend spell sooner or later! Muahahahaha!

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*Under both a candy spell and a friend spell now*

I just realised I don't know half the people who add me as friends O.O 

 You really should pick who you add as friends, not the other way around (because of those spammity spammers). As for me, I have...4 friends? 0_0 

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 You really should pick who you add as friends, not the other way around (because of those spammity spammers). As for me, I have...4 friends? 0_0 



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Well I also get proud of potty-trained kittens and it's not like I teach them anything. ^^


Consider yourself blessed~

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We're all friends here! :D (At least, I think so)


I've been here for 3 years, but I wasn't able to make much friends because I tended to be semi-hiatus. I remember being gone for almost a year, then coming back every few months or so during summer and winter vacation, also during holidays and days where classes are suspended. Luckily I met people who were able to put up with my on-off behavior ;A; Some of them rarely come on nowadays or are lurking. Some of them I met recently and are more or less active.


Nonetheless, I'm scared to list them. I'm afraid they might disagree :v I wasn't really included in the friends circle even back in the old days~

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Unfortunately my real bonds aren't that strong :V

You actually have them. Better than nothing. Ahh Ican see why I got called a sad little puppy from the inside >…>

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No friends > Fake friends.


In the extensive life you lived perhaps you know people change and one can win others over rather than lamenting their own situation. If people are fake call them out on it. Or perhaps helping others become better at relations, not just grammar is too much? ^^

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 What, you think saying, "Hey, you're as fake as a Barbie doll, Get real!" works? Because these Barbie friends have an army of minions on their sides, and together can force the "total outcast" status on you. You have no idea how convincing they can get.


 Having fake friends hurts so much more because when the realization hits you, you just regret the time and energy you've wasted with them. When you don't have friends, you'll have more time to know yourself, a mark of true wisdom.


 You have no idea how different I am IRL (like not correcting grammar). 

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 What, you think saying, "Hey, you're as fake as a Barbie doll, Get real!" works? Because these Barbie friends have an army of minions on their sides, and together can force the "total outcast" status on you. You have no idea how convincing they can get.


 Having fake friends hurts so much more because when the realization hits you, you just regret the time and energy you've wasted with them. When you don't have friends, you'll have more time to know yourself, a mark of true wisdom.


 You have no idea how different I am IRL (like not correcting grammar). 


I am not forcing you to make friends. I am saying that you should leave a mark on people. I spent my middle school and nearly all my high school (I changed and went elsewhere I did find someone who didn't mind me) without making friends because of their so called "fakeness" but it turns out some actually had a change of heart to ask how I've been after the results were out and we had all graduated. Sure, they might prefer others over you and even if you are an outcast, a person pretty much can't discriminate enough its just two. If they have a mind then it can be changed. You don't have to go spilling secrets to be friends, just a mutual trust is enough to begin with and only time tells the rest. Your second statement pretty much is the solution for your first one, I'm just saying don't generalize the intentions of everyone who approaches you.


Why would you regret? You always learn. Complicating rarely helps. Those who try too hard to find happiness might just come across if they stop looking so much. As for knowing oneself, there are more ways than just isolating yourself. If I didn't know any better I'd say you want attention. That's not a bad thing, we all do. You'll never be an outcast at DCW. The people who hurt you have no right to judge you. What's your fault? Just being who you are? I think then a lot of us would be behind bars if that was a crime.


You were really judgemental of me when you joined here, what do I make of that statement now hmmm? I'm honestly lost. You just block me without giving me a chance and tune me when I do try for you :< I half expect you to just ignore the errors in the post and then roam the other threads like what I said here never existed.

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 Sure I have. The mark of a weird girl who switches from being silent to being super noisy/super trying-hard. So I tried less. I tried to see who would stubbornly knock on my door and ask to be my friend (maybe the type like Ayame-chan). But I always seem to be second-priority. My friends all have better friends, and those friends are the ones they choose to hang out with. Only when those friends are gone that they hang out with me. Strangely, I don't feel happy. I feel even sadder.


 ? All of us are isolated in our own way here. Virtually, we are all strangers who happen to have sides that get along. As I said, it's really no match for real ties (unless you know someone IRL here).



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Sure I have. The mark of a weird girl who switches from being silent to being super noisy/super trying-hard. So I tried less. I tried to see who would stubbornly knock on my door and ask to be my friend (maybe the type like Ayame-chan). But I always seem to be second-priority. My friends all have better friends, and those friends are the ones they choose to hang out with. Only when those friends are gone that they hang out with me. Strangely, I don't feel happy. I feel even sadder.

? All of us are isolated in our own way here. Virtually, we are all strangers who happen to have sides that get along. As I said, it's really no match for real ties (unless you know someone IRL here).


Is this some drama where people will come up to you when you show no interest in them to be your friend out of pity or your life? Make your own choices, don't rely on others to do everything by themselves.


I don't know, there are some people here who honestly approach each other to remove the strangeness. People who value you more and do more for you than people IRL ever have.


Put your head to use for once.

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 Sure I have. The mark of a weird girl who switches from being silent to being super noisy/super trying-hard. So I tried less. I tried to see who would stubbornly knock on my door and ask to be my friend (maybe the type like Ayame-chan). But I always seem to be second-priority. My friends all have better friends, and those friends are the ones they choose to hang out with. Only when those friends are gone that they hang out with me. Strangely, I don't feel happy. I feel even sadder.


 ? All of us are isolated in our own way here. Virtually, we are all strangers who happen to have sides that get along. As I said, it's really no match for real ties (unless you know someone IRL here).



T-T *eats candy*

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Oh my gosh now silence is a cause for throwing pity parties for others?! Silence is just often a sign that you do not like fake friends. It does not mean you're anti-social. And I try to. They don't get it.

Never going to happen. You can only help if you know what the heck goes on behind the screen. And if people who value you over the internet can do much much more than what people in real life can, why do they freak out when they see their children on forums like this if it can greatly help their child? (Considering that children spend a lot of time on the Internet.)

I get that a lot. Thank you very much for adding to those people. And talking to you defeats the very purpose why I'm here (Boredom aside)

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As long as you try it's fine. You can't succeed without trying. And what's a pity party? 0.0

I'm not talking about all of the internet, just DCW It's all about trust. Of course everyone is a stranger at first unless you know them and when it's just words written on a webpage you don't trust or bother to know.

Obviously :V too bad I'll keep on blathering.

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It gets tiring trying over and over again. Who cares about friends when you always have yourself? :V

Well I'm sorry but I have trust issues.

So don't go around blathering about on DA.

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