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I wish...

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Some people aren't that smart but they can be straight A's student. Some of the reasons: they have good teachers, they are hardworking, they want to achieve, they have helpful friends, they have good materials, they have a good environment to study, they have a healthy and clear mind, they have long attention span. They have good memory. They studied the correct subjects, they have passion for it, they are exam smart, they know how to manage their time, they are not careless.

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Some people aren't that smart but they can be straight A's student. Some of the reasons: they have good teachers, they are hardworking, they want to achieve, they have helpful friends, they have good materials, they have a good environment to study, they have a healthy and clear mind, they have long attention span. They have good memory. They studied the correct subjects, they have passion for it, they are exam smart, they know how to manage their time, they are not careless.

I have all the ones that I highlighted. :mellow:

Not my fault I don't have helpful friends. I'm not a person that everyone flocks to. <_< Not my fault.

I don't really have a good environment. Unless you count having a sister you can't kick out who sings/talks/giggles every five minutes while you're studying for a VERY important test as a good environment.

Can't say much about 'healthy and clear mind'. I suppose mine is alright. *shrugs*

My attention span isn't perfect. I can get bored easily. >__<

I'm not very exam-smart. My strategies end up with me getting Bs and Cs. DX

I am a Time-Management fail. Spends too much time on certain things without moving on. That's me. DX

I look through my tests after I finish. Which is why I always facepalm myself whenever I find careless mistakes. DX It happens, but rarely compared to other reasons.

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I wish that everyone could relax more, without worrying and studying for school all the time, and that all my wishes would come true.

i like the fact how I've wished on 11:11 this whole week :3, and didn't miss it

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I wish that everyone could relax more, without worrying and studying for school all the time, and that all my wishes would come true.

i like the fact how I've wished on 11:11 this whole week :3, and didn't miss it

Just don't forget to wish on 11/11/11 at 11:11:11am/pm. ;)

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I wish that he will use his talents and skills for the right things in life. And that he won't be stupid and waste his effort on something unworthy of his skills.

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I wish I could switch places with someone famous for one day to get a new perspective on life.

I wish for time travel to exist. That can fix up a lot of things.

And at the same time ruin a lot of things.

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