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What's the last movie you saw?

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  On 12/16/2016 at 5:01 AM, AnimeOtakuDrew said:

I just got home from the premier of Star Wars: Rogue One. I really enjoyed it. Has anyone else seen it yet?

I plan on seeing it, heard some good things so I'm anxious.

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I just fell asleep to the movie Skyfall. Not because it was boring, I was just very, very tired.


Last movie I completed was the Danish movie "the Shamer's Daughter". It was a rewatch, and I liked it. Not on par with American movies, of course, but pretty good considering it's Danish.


Anyway, Star Wars: Rogue One? I loved it. Much better than Star Wars ep. VII. And the new Fantastic Beasts movie was very entertaining as well.


  On 12/16/2016 at 5:01 AM, AnimeOtakuDrew said:

I just got home from the premier of Star Wars: Rogue One. I really enjoyed it. Has anyone else seen it yet?

Yep. (: I enjoyed it as well!


  On 12/18/2016 at 12:42 AM, Ryo said:

I plan on seeing it, heard some good things so I'm anxious.

Have you watched it yet?

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I watched Kimi no Na wa in theaters back in April, and just saw Koe no Katachi earlier today.  They're both really really really good, and I'd recommend them both.  2016 was one helluva year for anime movies.

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  On 5/26/2017 at 1:19 AM, Akazora said:

I watched Kimi no Na wa in theaters back in April, and just saw Koe no Katachi earlier today.  They're both really really really good, and I'd recommend them both.  2016 was one helluva year for anime movies.

I'm reading Kor no Katachi but I'm not enjoying it. The bullying is so horrible that I cannot justify it somehow and I cannot understand why the girl just keeps enduring them and still can be nice...

Howl's Moving Castle. I really like the anti-war theme. I don't really understand many parts. There are books. I wonder if I should read them...

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La La Land

I was so lost at the end... Soundtrack was really good, though.


Hacksaw Ridge

No words. I loved every second of it.

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I watched these movies a while ago but………….


Spider-Man Homecoming was gr8/8
it had so many overused tropes and dank memes but it was just executed so well
end credits scene killed me tho


Wonder Woman was ok

premise was kinda cliche

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Watched Doukyuusei like a month ago, and I think I enjoyed it for the most part, but aside from it being very pleasant visually/aesthetically, I wouldn't say it's anything more than an o-k way to spend an hour. There's both considerably worse and better things out there to watch instead, it's simply satisfactory imo. 


  On 9/8/2017 at 3:28 AM, Akazora said:


I came for the sci-fi dystopia action flick by Polygon Pictures, stayed for the robo waifus.  Also made me binge the manga so that's something.


By 'robo waifus' do you mean robo waifus, or robo waifusAsking for a friend

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I rewatched all of the MCU movies. That was a ride. Latest one was Spider-Man Homecoming and I loved it. Probably gonna watch Ragnarok this week, I'm pretty sure it's still in theaters.

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Sword art online ordinal scale

sooo bad

i mean they are just recycling the story with every new incarnation

the animation is good

the black guy finally had a role

the action was decent

but the same irritating things are still there and you can take so much of it

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  On 12/23/2017 at 7:58 PM, Balthazar Manfredie said:

Sword art online ordinal scale

sooo bad

i mean they are just recycling the story with every new incarnation

the animation is good

the black guy finally had a role

the action was decent

but the same irritating things are still there and you can take so much of it

I have many issues with SAO. 

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  On 12/23/2017 at 9:36 PM, Balthazar Manfredie said:

you are not alone ( cool neon genesis reference right here)

when i watched the firs episode i was like wow


as it went on i got sad and mad


I haven't watched the movie you're talking about though. I had the same feeling when I started SAO. Felt it was gonna go in the right direction, but it fell flat. 

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  On 12/27/2017 at 5:33 AM, Ryo said:

I haven't watched the movie you're talking about though. I had the same feeling when I started SAO. Felt it was gonna go in the right direction, but it fell flat. 

neon genesis has a much cooler concept and its not ridiculous as SAO

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