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What was the recent Anime you watched?

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Since summer anime are starting to air, I'll list a few things I'll be keeping up with:



Tokyo Ghoul

Sword At Online II


Akame ga Kill!

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei (I grow a grey hair for every episode I watch, but I will conquer this pile of trash!)


Zankyou no Terror and Tokyo ESP <-- I'll watch these two when they air


Finished Fate/Zero, anticipating Fate/stay night remake.


Revolutionary Girl Utena is on hold for now.

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I'm glad that everyone is still posting in this thread!! :DD You guys are so awesome!!! <3


The animes I watched recently are:


Magi:The kingdom of magic

Kyoukai no Kanata(eps 1-5)

Soredemo sekai wa utsukushii

Mekaku City Actors

Black Bullet


Ao Haru Ride



Love Stage!


Sailor Moon Crystal(can't get enough from it's old series uwaaaa)

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  • Accel World (Not exactly the best series ever, but it screamed POTENTIAL)

  • Free! Eternal Summer (still ongoing, one of my current obssessions!)

  • Magic Kaito ( WE NEED MORE OF THIS OK)

  • Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus (Yes, my Lord)<--- another current obession  :P 

  • Haiyore! Nyaruko-san (really cute and fun, but i'm working slowly through it because the moe and comedy gets to be too much)

AAAAND OF COURSE, DC:wub: I'm still working my way through the 748 and counting episodes!! I'm reading the manga, too. 

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  On 8/19/2014 at 11:05 PM, shahooda said:

Im currently watching diamond no ace ... a funny and exciting anime, even if you don't know much about baseball (I didn't too) you will get along well!! Thats why I like it

Oh, good luck with that one.  It won't be ending until March of next year.  I still remember when it started airing nearly a year ago and thought I'd give it shot if it ended up being one-cour.  Haha, how wrong I was.  Thank God I stopped watching after after episode one b/c GPA.

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  On 8/23/2014 at 1:16 AM, shahooda said:

Why did you stop its way too exciting !!

I love the hype of the anime.

And about its end I don't think I will be able to wish for its end by tgat time (I will be so addicted to it)

Unfortunately, I usually struggle with ongoing anime (sounds hypocritical because I like DC, but I just haven't had the time recently because of school unlike when I had originally gotten into DC years ago).  I watch a bunch of new anime each season, and it definitely gets tough when I try to balance more anime per week than there are days in one.  I'm watching 8 right now, but only because it's summer break for me.


As for the end date, unfortunately it's been confirmed to end then.  It was planned to end this fall (in a couple of weeks), but was extended by 26 episodes.  If I'm not mistaken the total episode count will be up to 75 when it ends in March. 

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Detective Conan (Still in the middle of watching it, and kinda behind. Only on the 2006 series. D:)


Vampire Knight. (Well, I only watched like 2 or 3 episodes unitl I got bored of it. Nothing's happening in it yet. I'm still going to watch it though. I heard it was very good. Maybe it's one of those animes where it gets good later on.)


Madoka Magica (Again, I only watched a few episodes. It's pretty good, but I heard that the most interesting parts come later on in like the second season or so.)


Pokémon (One of those animes that I will be watching for the rest of my lifetime. Been watching since I was about 5. lol. It seems like only just yesterday when I got out of bed, turned on the TV, and watched Pokémon on KidsWB while eating breakfast.  Ah, how I miss those days.)

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  On 9/6/2014 at 2:32 PM, Moonlit Flower said:


Vampire Knight. (Well, I only watched like 2 or 3 episodes unitl I got bored of it. Nothing's happening in it yet. I'm still going to watch it though. I heard it was very good. Maybe it's one of those animes where it gets good later on.)


I watched this anime only in 3 days xD have Vampire Knight Guilty -___-

About to finish Ao Haru Ride. Just have 9 episodes.

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