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Guys...what do you see in a girl?

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I feel like replying since no one's replying rolleyes.gif

Looks first, doesn't everyone ?

average looks&intelligence :D

If she's too pretty, it's really easy to lose her ~~

I don't like a girl who gets sad easily.... it's hard to deal with

I like girls that are nice and make me smile

But after saying all that has made me wonder~

Why should I expect so much when i have no idea if i'm perfect enough for them ?

so i guess.. just accept them for who they are and what they've been through :$

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every girl is unique...

Not because a girl look "slutty", not because a girl is fat or too skinny doesn't mean they are not worthy to a guy anymore... not because they have no "wisdom" or "intelligence" they don't have the rights too be loved... not because they are too loud or too silent it means that they are weak and stupid... If a girl has an attitude problem then there must be a reason why she's acting like that...

(same thing goes to guys)

everyone has their own imperfections, now the challenge is not about how are we going to get rid of it... it's always about how are we going to make a difference despite the imperfections...

If I were a guy, I would first look at a girl's thoughts about life...

(If she said it sucks then I will do everything to show the beauty of life...)

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every girl is unique...

Not because a girl look "slutty", not because a girl is fat or too skinny doesn't mean they are not worthy to a guy anymore... not because they have no "wisdom" or "intelligence" they don't have the rights too be loved... not because they are too loud or too silent it means that they are weak and stupid... If a girl has an attitude problem then there must be a reason why she's acting like that...

(same thing goes to guys)

everyone has their own imperfections, now the challenge is not about how are we going to get rid of it... it's always about how are we going to make a difference despite the imperfections...

If I were a guy, I would first look at a girl's thoughts about life...

(If she said it sucks then I will do everything to show the beauty of life...)

I totally understand what you are saying. Sometimes, it's a girl's imperfections that make her perfect.

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every girl is unique...

Not because a girl look "slutty", not because a girl is fat or too skinny doesn't mean they are not worthy to a guy anymore... not because they have no "wisdom" or "intelligence" they don't have the rights too be loved... not because they are too loud or too silent it means that they are weak and stupid... If a girl has an attitude problem then there must be a reason why she's acting like that...

(same thing goes to guys)

everyone has their own imperfections, now the challenge is not about how are we going to get rid of it... it's always about how are we going to make a difference despite the imperfections...

If I were a guy, I would first look at a girl's thoughts about life...

(If she said it sucks then I will do everything to show the beauty of life...)

That's exactly what I think, too. +1 rep.

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Annoyance. Some of the most noticeable girls in my class are all slutty looking, and they annoy the hell out of almost everyone. They scream like horror movie noobs in the hallways and talk every chance they get. They are responsible for half of the class' troubles with the teachers.

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Annoyance. Some of the most noticeable girls in my class are all slutty looking, and they annoy the hell out of almost everyone. They scream like horror movie noobs in the hallways and talk every chance they get. They are responsible for half of the class' troubles with the teachers.

So why are you only noticing girls like that?

You should start noticing those who are much more worth noticing for you.

Not all girls are like you described. And it might be annoying to you, but there may be some guys who like that kind of character? Who knows?

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So why are you only noticing girls like that?

You should start noticing those who are much more worth noticing for you.

Not all girls are like you described. And it might be annoying to you, but there may be some guys who like that kind of character? Who knows?

I believe he was talking about what he sees in the girls he sees everyday. In other words...he hates the girls he sees.

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Very interesting topic. The stuff I want in a guy is like what a guy wants in a girl. Personality and intelligence. (and looks too if applicable.) This is fun to read. Perhaps I'll get insight into the two boys I like. (<-Very troublesome... I like two. TT.TT) *grabs popcorn* *munch*

(BTW, Parkur, I agree with you. I was reading through the topic and it was pretty good for the first page, and halfway through the second, and then it went into Pokemon. I've got nothing against the game, but... I was reading about what guys see in girls, not squirtle!)

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Very interesting topic. The stuff I want in a guy is like what a guy wants in a girl. Personality and intelligence. (and looks too if applicable.) This is fun to read. Perhaps I'll get insight into the two boys I like. (<-Very troublesome... I like two. TT.TT) *grabs popcorn* *munch*

Flip a coin. Depending on that, kill one. Fall in love with the other. :V

(BTW, Parkur, I agree with you. I was reading through the topic and it was pretty good for the first page, and halfway through the second, and then it went into Pokemon. I've got nothing against the game, but... I was reading about what guys see in girls, not squirtle!)

I wasn't a part of this.

And true, girls is the topic, not Squirtle. XD

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Flip a coin. Depending on that, kill one. Fall in love with the other. :V

I wasn't a part of this.

And true, girls is the topic, not Squirtle. XD

... ... Great advice Moho... I think I'll just let time tell. :V

Sure you weren't. :3 (I know you werent... I think.)

No Squirtles. *shakes head* No.

Reading through again, boys and girls really do have a bunch of similarities in what we look for... Most match. Funny how each gender molds themself into a form the other doesn't want as a way to find love... Love is a very confusing thing. I haven't been in a single relationship before... But it sounds hard.

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Hmm... I don't like girls who're too serious... and bossy. :V Oh, and then they gotta show me a bit more respect. I mean, two girls in my class are both bossy and never show me any respect. <_< I hate girls like them. A good appearance is always a bonus, though they mustn't be "sexy", but pretty and beautiful. And they must NOT use too much make-up. :V :V I dislike make-up quite a bit, actually. I prefer to see their "true" face. And I don't really care if they're intelligent or not, but more that they're kind and loving.. and funny too. :3 And then they gotta understand me, too, and don't judge me by my "outside", but by my "inside"... if you know what I mean. :P That's it! ...I guess. :V *goes to play some Fallout 3*

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Hmm... I don't like girls who're too serious... and bossy. :V Oh, and then they gotta show me a bit more respect. I mean, two girls in my class are both bossy and never show me any respect. <_< I hate girls like them. A good appearance is always a bonus, though they mustn't be "sexy", but pretty and beautiful. And they must NOT use too much make-up. :V :V I dislike make-up quite a bit, actually. I prefer to see their "true" face. And I don't really care if they're intelligent or not, but more that they're kind and loving.. and funny too. :3 And then they gotta understand me, too, and don't judge me by my "outside", but by my "inside"... if you know what I mean. :P That's it! ...I guess. :V *goes to play some Fallout 3*

Wow it kinda seem hard to please you kid.

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B) Well, not really. I already found one. :P

Usually people who post in these type of forums mean you've already found that person ~

i mean how would you know what to add then ? XD

good luck :D

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Well the first thing I see (and sure most other guys as well) is physique. Then I focus more on her internal attributes, such as personality and intelligence. I also consider her health (is she healthy and fit), her goals in the future (will she have a decent career), and how much we have in common. So basically looks, smarts, and preferable personality (varies for guys) is what we tend to see in a girl. And of course there are exceptions if a girl lacks only one or two of the three.

The longer answer that AJ has given really makes my answer seem bland. ;________;

It's personality I look for. Looks are only a factor in the extremes. Intelligence...meh.

Personality is the pure flower that I look for. A flower in full bloom is far better than the flower that's rotting away. The stench would keep me away. Simply, a bad personality will tend to ruin my preference.

Looks. Well, admit it. We all like girls that look good. But that's an ideal.

Intelligence is pretty good. But I prefer wisdom. A woman that can reflect herself and me. Someone who really can understand with her knowledge. Intelligence is merely the measurement of facts. Wisdom is the ability to apply those facts.

I was avoiding this... But hey... might as well...

Like most guys I notice looks first... However... I am kinda different with what I prefer in looks. I think body type is what I consider more than anything for looks. Women that are too thin or too overweight I don't like (actually I think too thin is much worse than being a bit overweight). I don't know, call me crazy, but I think a healthy body weight is important.

After that it is mostly intelligence. I value intelligence highly.

My own personality is pretty twisted, so I'm pretty flexible with personality. So long as they are some what sane, and not too "bubbly" or (for lack of a better word) "bitchy" (aka, a nice balance between the two) I'm cool. Granted, if they are scientists or at least interested in science like what the ideal would be, they wouldn't have such extreme personalities in the first place (or so I have noticed from being in a science major, but I'm sure there are always exceptions). Then again... most scientists are insane from what I have seen... the education makes scientists that way...

Unlike Moho, I have no preference towards wisdom. Quite frankly I believe wisdom is earned over the years. Everyone is wise to a degree (unless they are somewhat slow), so that is less important.

I'd also ideally would look for a woman that is active.

Last and most important is open mindedness and forward thinking (which again, previous requirements would ideally set these up).

I'm amazed by your responses.

*takes screenshots and keeps information on laptop*

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