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Girls...what do you see in a guy?

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I like guys that are:

1. Close to me before I start liking them. (I don't have random crushes on kids I don't even know... I start developing crushes over long periods of time, about a year +)

2. Smart (I hold intelligence in very, very high esteem... Perhaps I'll change once I get older, but... They must be about as smart as me.)

3. Funny (who doesn't like someone who makes you smile? I want someone who can make me laugh everyday, and who will laugh along with me.)

4. Cares about me (it doesn't even have to be love... Just to know I'm a friend is good. I'm in high school. I know my crushes aren't actually going to be my future husband. And I'm not allowed to date until college, a rule decreed by mom. But if one of the boys I like goes to the same college as me...)

5. Honest when need be (I like a mischievous guy. Guys who are sarcastic and witty, who can deal out insults as easily as jokes with one whip of their tongue. Of course, as long as I'm not being insulted. But they should be honest when they need to be.)

6. Kind. Ish. (I don't need someone who loves the world. That annoys me. There are people I can't stand, and I want someone who feels the same as me.)

7. Runs their own game (they don't let anyone control them, and life is their oyster. They live for the moment, but are still prepared for the future.)

8. Respects my beliefs. (I'm an atheist, and I stand firmly on that. I don't want somebody forcing beliefs down my throat, and I want someone who understands. Preferably someone who doesn't have a religion as well.)

9. Ambitious. (they'll work hard to get what they want, and they dream big. And I know they can accomplish them.)

10. Looks. (cuteness is preferred, but honestly... I've got on a crush on a guy who probably doesn't pass for 'great', but he looks awesome to me.)

And that's my list. And it's based off of two boys I have crushes on. One I've known since elementary school, one I've gotten pretty close to throughout the past year. *sigh* So troublesome. Especially since both match up perfectly with this list. Extremely smart, are my friends, funny, I know them well, aren't religious, ambitious, honest, match my view of life, and so much more. I think my face is red.

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Apparently it's my spare hobby to reply this topic with how badly I fail at these expectations.

1. Close to me before I start liking them. (I don't have random crushes on kids I don't even know... I start developing crushes over long periods of time, about a year +)


2. Smart (I hold intelligence in very, very high esteem... Perhaps I'll change once I get older, but... They must be about as smart as me.)


3. Funny (who doesn't like someone who makes you smile? I want someone who can make me laugh everyday, and who will laugh along with me.)


(keeps going on)

Oh, I failed your entire list, Aeyra. :(

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What do I see in guys?

I love guys who can make me laugh and share the same interests as me. <3 Such as anime, manga, drawing, writing, humor, etc.

And I like if they tease me a bit. It's fun...

I want a guy who'll never betray me... *remembers bad experiences*

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Apparently it's my spare hobby to reply this topic with how badly I fail at these expectations.




(keeps going on)

Oh, I failed your entire list, Aeyra. :(

It's okay *pats* we're the same. :P

What's with the random Parkur?

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Apparently it's my spare hobby to reply this topic with how badly I fail at these expectations.




(keeps going on)

Oh, I failed your entire list, Aeyra. :(

LOL. don't worry, I wrote it with only two boys in mind anyways. The two I like. I should add 'love for nuclear weapons and how to obtain plutonium' onto my list... Because one of them knows how to create a nuclear bomb. That was his topic for his speech in English...

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I guess I'll impute my list on what I would like in a guy....

1) Nice. Someone who is kind to people and doesn't make fun of them.

2) Funny. I want a guy who can make me laugh and smile.

3) Someone who likes to be creative and have fun.

4) Not afraid to take charge, because I don't want to be the one who has to all the time....

5) Polite. Rude people aren't very appealing to me.... :/

That's all I got right now... I'll add on later. :mellow:

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Okay, because I have time at the moment, I'll be more detailed in my list. (Based off.... I won't say anything more.)

1.) Funny. (I love to laugh :3 And my laugh is crazy. It'd be nice if it's someone that can stand my laugh :3 )

2.) Nice. (This is a pretty obvious one. I don't think I need to explain)

3.) Shares the same interests (To an extent. It's boring if you like doing the exact same things as the person you're with. But you need to have things you can talk about with them)

4.) Smart. (Hell yes. No offense but talking to people who have half of a working processor is too mind-consuming)

5.) Straightforward (I'm not a good reader of feelings unless it's GLARINGLY obvious, so I need someone who can tell me if they're mad or something)

6.) Good-looking. (My definition of that is extremely flexible. As long as they're not too good or bad looking. Somewhere in the middle of the spectrum)

Yea.... that's it, I guess :3

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I guess I'll impute my list on what I would like in a guy....

1) Nice. Someone who is kind to people and doesn't make fun of them.

2) Funny. I want a guy who can make me laugh and smile.

3) Someone who likes to be creative and have fun.

4) Not afraid to take charge, because I don't want to be the one who has to all the time....

5) Polite. Rude people aren't very appealing to me.... :/

That's all I got right now... I'll add on later. :mellow:

Okay, because I have time at the moment, I'll be more detailed in my list. (Based off.... I won't say anything more.)

1.) Funny. (I love to laugh :3 And my laugh is crazy. It'd be nice if it's someone that can stand my laugh :3 )

2.) Nice. (This is a pretty obvious one. I don't think I need to explain)

3.) Shares the same interests (To an extent. It's boring if you like doing the exact same things as the person you're with. But you need to have things you can talk about with them)

4.) Smart. (Hell yes. No offense but talking to people who have half of a working processor is too mind-consuming)

5.) Straightforward (I'm not a good reader of feelings unless it's GLARINGLY obvious, so I need someone who can tell me if they're mad or something)

6.) Good-looking. (My definition of that is extremely flexible. As long as they're not too good or bad looking. Somewhere in the middle of the spectrum)

Yea.... that's it, I guess :3

And two more F minuses for me! :(

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You're right about those parts ^

What I see in a guy...

DISCLAIMER: This is from my perspective. Every single girl is different.

Physique- Cute, good looking, lightly tanned, hair style/length, four-pack, six-pack or eight-pack? I don't really like fat/overweight guys or hairy guys.

Behavior- How does this guy treat people? Does he swear every five seconds or does he treat everyone with respect? Does he put on a good show (guys who are so good at sports that it's really entertaining to watch them beat their opponents... or guys who make people smile/laugh from their hearts)? Does he prefer to laugh at people's misfortunes or will he rather help them out?

Personality- Does he have good intentions? Is he nice? Does he care if people are hurt? Does he show everyone a perfected image, or does he show his REAL self?

History- Has this guy ever offended me in some point of my life? Do I feel hurt but still like him even though he hurt me emotionally so many times? Or do I start hating him right away? Does he remind me of someone else that I've liked before? And other thing... how much time have I spent liking this guy/How much time have I spent wasting my time and effort on this guy?

Values- What does he value more? Money, love or something else? Does he believe in God/Is he Christian?

Goals- Does he have good grades? What does he plan to do with his life when he graduates from college?

Bonus: Does he affect me in any way? (Does he make me want to feel happier? Does he make me feel encouraged? Does he make me happy? Does he touch my heart?)

Does he have any special skills/abilities? (Is he a really good singer/actor/athlete/student? Is he 'cool'? Does he appear randomly? (believe it or not, one guy I know IRL does. O__o)

That's all I could think of for the moment. I might add more later.

This was my list ^

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I know, I know. :P I didn't really take it serious. :P

Oh well, *Speechless*




Okay here .. My dream guy "Conditions"

1:- Personatily of course..

He need to be naughty, very naughty just like me.. He need to be bold. Unlike me :V

And ofc ... He must be sweet, Romantic actually.. Kind , Caring,.

He need to be funny and silly... Uh well.. He must be smart too.,

2:- Appearance,,.

Uh... How can I say.. He should be handsome.. Though I don't care.. Much but it's "preferred" ..

3:- Age,.

Something no one said it until now.. Age is kinda important to me.. He MUST be either the same of my age.. Or older then me.. :V

That's all I can tell :V

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