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  On 10/27/2011 at 7:22 AM, Detective Rohit said:

For my Chemistry enthusiasts.

This proves that when scientists get bored... stand back... it could get dangerous.

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  On 10/27/2011 at 3:43 PM, Kyuu said:

This proves that when scientists get bored... stand back... it could get dangerous.

I totally Agree

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  On 10/27/2011 at 3:43 PM, Kyuu said:

This proves that when scientists get bored... stand back... it could get dangerous.

I love those fast, violent and exothermic reactions. Also, love the way HF corrods almost everything

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  On 10/28/2011 at 8:42 AM, Detective Rohit said:

I love those fast, violent and exothermic reactions. Also, love the way HF corrods almost everything

HF is terrifying. I hate handling that stuff. I've only had to do it once, and I never want to do it again.

On the subject of acid I have trendified more than a few pieces of clothing with the addition of acid. The most notable would be a pair of jeans with H2SO4(concentrated). Funnily enough since I was splashed with water before using it, I thought the dark spots on my jeans were from water... Until I got on the train and noticed that they weren't drying... But hey, I don't need to spend $300 on trendy jeans! I have access to a lab and acid! (And for the record, no, I was not burned by the acid... I was only burned by acid once and it was dumb luck that it touched my skin at all... My arms were fully extended and the lab coat wasn't covering everything... There was a SMALL gap between my glove and coat... and well a small bit of conc. HCl made it to my skin while I was working in the fume hood while someone else was boiling HCl (yes, I wasn't even working with it))

Also... To all you aspiring scientists... I do so request that you use the fume hood. Don't be an idiot like there is EVERY YEAR at my school in Quant lab (Quantitative Analysis). Every year some bloody idiot boils HCl outside of the fume hood. Last year's incident was especially bad with 3 people having to go to the ER for exposure. Thank you :)

  On 10/28/2011 at 10:49 AM, IdentityUnknown said:

Any of you heard about the possibility that Einstein's theory of relativity might be wrong? It's been on the news lately.

There is also a theory that it may not be because the scientists performing the experiment didn't take scale into account. Therefore the speed at which the neutrino traveled was sub-light speed relative to scale. Ironic really... They need to do more testing on the neutrino atom. But for now I'm saying that Einstein isn't wrong. Until there is corroborating tests from other physics labs, I'm not claiming anything.

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  On 10/28/2011 at 10:49 AM, IdentityUnknown said:

Any of you heard about the possibility that Einstein's theory of relativity might be wrong? It's been on the news lately.

As Kyuu said, for that theory to be proven, it still requires more tests...

  On 10/28/2011 at 10:57 AM, Kyuu said:

HF is terrifying. I hate handling that stuff. I've only had to do it once, and I never want to do it again.

On the subject of acid I have trendified more than a few pieces of clothing with the addition of acid. The most notable would be a pair of jeans with H2SO4(concentrated). Funnily enough since I was splashed with water before using it, I thought the dark spots on my jeans were from water... Until I got on the train and noticed that they weren't drying... But hey, I don't need to spend $300 on trendy jeans! I have access to a lab and acid! (And for the record, no, I was not burned by the acid... I was only burned by acid once and it was dumb luck that it touched my skin at all... My arms were fully extended and the lab coat wasn't covering everything... There was a SMALL gap between my glove and coat... and well a small bit of conc. HCl made it to my skin while I was working in the fume hood while someone else was boiling HCl (yes, I wasn't even working with it))

Also... To all you aspiring scientists... I do so request that you use the fume hood. Don't be an idiot like there is EVERY YEAR at my school in Quant lab (Quantitative Analysis). Every year some bloody idiot boils HCl outside of the fume hood. Last year's incident was especially bad with 3 people having to go to the ER for exposure. Thank you :)

There is also a theory that it may not be because the scientists performing the experiment didn't take scale into account. Therefore the speed at which the neutrino traveled was sub-light speed relative to scale. Ironic really... They need to do more testing on the neutrino atom. But for now I'm saying that Einstein isn't wrong. Until there is corroborating tests from other physics labs, I'm not claiming anything.

I have had experiments with HF 3 times :D And dont worry about the protection from acids, we have to wear severe protection gears and take many precautions while playing with HF :P

Btw, i still have a Conc Sulphuric acid burn on my palm..i got it in 9th grade :P

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I also had acid-burn in high-school too. It was boiling HCl if I'm not mistaken, fortunately that it was just a very small spot. Another time I got hit by acid is in the same year, this time was H2SO4 89%, but since I was wearing a thick jacket I didn't get burned anywhere.

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Went to UCLA with Yohan for Science fair thingy.

He told me there was a Science topic somewhere and told me to post some of the pics.

Ooohhh plsma :)


Cool stuff with light. I forgot what it was but they give you a special kind of glasses. (Before& After)



This is Yohan on the Torque and Angular momentum demonstration


if the img too big... sorry.

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Good Lord! But... it's okay, I'm fine.

  On 10/28/2011 at 3:51 PM, Black Demon said:

I also had acid-burn in high-school too. It was boiling HCl if I'm not mistaken, fortunately that it was just a very small spot. Another time I got hit by acid is in the same year, this time was H2SO4 89%, but since I was wearing a thick jacket I didn't get burned anywhere.

I want your jacket. nah, kidding. :P From that onwards you wear jacket in every experiment?

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  On 11/24/2011 at 12:38 AM, Cindy-Chen said:

Bill Nye The Science Guy!!

I always enjoyed Beakman's World and Mr. Wizard. Those two shows and a chemistry set are the reason why I'm in science now.

I didn't watch Bill Nye until I was a bit older, but I did still enjoy it, I feel more nostalgia for the other two though.

And I have just inadvertently just revealed my approximate age, blast!

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

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Bill Nye the Science guy~


Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!

Bill Nye the Science guy


Bill Nye the Science guy

Inertia is a property of matter

Bill Bill Bill Billillillil Nye the science guy

(Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!) t-7 seconds

Bill Nye the Science guy


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  On 12/14/2011 at 7:08 AM, Detective Rohit said:

I would once want to visit LHC.

O_o. should there be why not?


Physics... too many problems.... I'm too lazy to show work... urghghg


I hate it when I know the answer but I have to show work/prove it.

most of the science subjects are like that....

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  On 12/14/2011 at 7:18 AM, Anti-APTX4869 said:

O_o. should there be why not?


Physics... too many problems.... I'm too lazy to show work... urghghg


I hate it when I know the answer but I have to show work/prove it.

most of the science subjects are like that....

Yes...i hate that too...show some stupid derivations, when we already know it. <_<

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  On 12/14/2011 at 6:39 AM, Detective Rohit said:

Now CERN has announced that it is very close to find the Higgs Boson, also known as, The God Particle.

Some information regarding CERN's experiments

Telegraph Uk

BBC News

And if you want to know what Higgs Boson is, then click Here. And if you do not understand a thing, you are in the correct direction :P

Ugh... I wish people would STOP calling it the God Particle, that is the most misleading name I have ever heard. It is the particle that is considered to give other particles their mass. I'd go into detail on what that means and implies but it would take too long and I think would confuse too many people. Sufficed to say, calling it the "God Particle" is just something the media called it to sell newspapers. This is why I hate non-science articles that are about science. They take everything and dumb it down to such a degree that people have no clue what is the point or significance. There are a bunch of people running around now talking about the Higgs boson particle like they know what the hell they are saying. I had the same bloody issue with the Elegant Universe documentary... (Which I think is 90% BS btw... There are too many unknown factors in String Theory to give it any substance, its like talking about God (no offense to any of you whom are religious) right now...) What is worse is that there are a bunch of people that think they understand quantum physics because of that damned book/documentary!

As for showing the work... Reach higher levels and see why its necessary... It actually helps too, because then you read over it other people can see it and problems in your math can come to light that would have otherwise given you problems. Especially when you are doing multiple integrations or derivations with comlex conjugates and the like. Things get complex and really hard to keep track of...

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  On 12/14/2011 at 7:18 AM, Anti-APTX4869 said:

Physics... too many problems.... I'm too lazy to show work... urghghg

Showing work in physics will save your arse when you have to back and try to find a mistake or need to study for a test and are looking back over old material. Most teachers will also accept shortcuts. In the middle of a solution it's not uncommon for me to write that I looked up the integral in a table because I didn't want to derive it. (Although it does keep you fresh when you have to derive integrals. I've slipped a bit :C)

The other things that helps in physics is using the units to help guide you through the steps to the answer. (The Rydberg constant (1/distance) helps you go from principal quantum numbers (unitless) to wavelength (distance). If the question relates to diffusion and my answer needs to be in time and I start with a concentration gradient (distance related), I'm going to need the diffusion constant D somewhere!)

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  On 12/14/2011 at 8:20 PM, Kyuu said:

Ugh... I wish people would STOP calling it the God Particle, that is the most misleading name I have ever heard. It is the particle that is considered to give other particles their mass. I'd go into detail on what that means and implies but it would take too long and I think would confuse too many people. Sufficed to say, calling it the "God Particle" is just something the media called it to sell newspapers. This is why I hate non-science articles that are about science. They take everything and dumb it down to such a degree that people have no clue what is the point or significance. There are a bunch of people running around now talking about the Higgs boson particle like they know what the hell they are saying. I had the same bloody issue with the Elegant Universe documentary... (Which I think is 90% BS btw... There are too many unknown factors in String Theory to give it any substance, its like talking about God (no offense to any of you whom are religious) right now...) What is worse is that there are a bunch of people that think they understand quantum physics because of that damned book/documentary!

As for showing the work... Reach higher levels and see why its necessary... It actually helps too, because then you read over it other people can see it and problems in your math can come to light that would have otherwise given you problems. Especially when you are doing multiple integrations or derivations with comlex conjugates and the like. Things get complex and really hard to keep track of...

There are more than 85% people who do not know what Higgs Boson is and those 85% know what god particle is. Sadly, the name of "God Particle" is more famous than "Higgs Boson". But anyways, i use the term "Higgs Boson" rather than "God Paricle".

Kyuu, switch to Stephen Hawking. The Grand Design and A Brief History of time are some good things to read. Though i accept that almost 60% of it was aerodynamics for me, but maybe not for you.

Oh and just for information to all, the "Higgs" is named after the scientist, Peter Higgs. But it was actually 5 Scientist who proposed this theory. Whereas Bosons are elementary particles, named after the scientist, Satyendra Bose, which follow the Einstein-Bose equations/theory.

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  On 12/14/2011 at 9:22 PM, Detective Rohit said:

There are more than 85% people who do not know what Higgs Boson is and those 85% know what god particle is. Sadly, the name of "God Particle" is more famous than "Higgs Boson". But anyways, i use the term "Higgs Boson" rather than "God Paricle".

Kyuu, switch to Stephen Hawking. The Grand Design and A Brief History of time are some good things to read. Though i accept that almost 60% of it was aerodynamics for me, but maybe not for you.

Oh and just for information to all, the "Higgs" is named after the scientist, Peter Higgs. But it was actually 5 Scientist who proposed this theory. Whereas Bosons are elementary particles, named after the scientist, Satyendra Bose, which follow the Einstein-Bose equations/theory.

I honestly do not have a problem with the naming.


Anyway, Thread Revived!

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